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 I woke up in my room. It had everything my room had. There was my Black Vail Brides posters and Pierce the Vail posters. There was pictures of to. Pictures of me with the team and me with my friends. Even the bed was the same as the one in my room. It wasn't my room though.

"A" I shouted

"Hello" the voice I could here was way to cheery "Welcome newest member to the A house" said the over peppy voice

"Let me the fuck out" I shrieked

"Please go to the sitting room and follow the lighted passage" said the same preppy voice

"No" I yelled

 The peppy voice was replaced by me.

"Sarah no stop" I screamed

 I could my self back in the room Sarah was there. She was glaring at me and I could the hate in her face. She was laughing now.

"Please stop" I screamed

 I didn't even remember all of what happened for a year and a half. It was hard enough having flashbacks. I could still here the voice's. I could here the screaming and the smashing sounds. I could the here the sounds of people dying.

 Tears streamed down my face as I crumpled to the ground. To be honest I still don't believe it wasn't my fault. I may of got hurt but I should have tried to save them harder. I'm sure I could have.

"Please follow the light to the living room this is your warning one" said the horrible preppy voice

 I stood up and followed the light to the living room. Olivia and Emma were both already there. Neither of them looked exactly happy. They book looked scared and unhappy. 

"Our you okay" Emma asked me and I noticed her voice shook

"Welcome Maria Hill, Victoria Hand and Izzy Hartley"  said the peppy voice

"Who our they talking about" Emma asked me  "Well not Maria Hill" she muttered

"Now members of the A house you will need to do as we say" she said and I noticed some A's. 

 They dragged us back.

"No" I screamed

 We were dragging them away from Emma and Olivia. 

"Em, Liv" I screamed

 I didn't know what they were going to do to me but I know whatever it was would not be fun.

"Time to be changed" said the peppy voice

"No" I screamed

 I wasn't sure what they were going to do to me but I wouldn't let it happen.

"No" I screamed struggling against A.

 I ran towards Emma and Olivia almost dragging A along. Me Emma and Olivia grabbed hands struggling as A tried to pull us off him.

"No" Emma screamed

"Please no" Emma screamed

 Me Olivia and Emma were still clinging to each others. I just didn't want to die but if I had to die I didn't want to die alone. I had a horrible feeling A wanted to torture me

"Be nice or more force will be used" said the horrible peppy voice

 I know now that A was going to torture me. Me Olivia and Emma were fifteen and we were about to get tortured and maybe killed. It didn't make me eager to let go of my friends. I clung to my friends even tighter.

"No" I screamed "No"

 A was starting to drag us back. I was fighting as hard as I could to not be dragged back but I was failing. I noticed Olivia falling to the ground. As A dragged her back. If I was going to die I decided to scream.

"I love you" I screamed to my friends

 My friends were the people I cared about so much and I loved them so much. They were the nicest friends I had ever had. I mean I haven't had many friendships that ended well but that is not the point.

  I saw Emma fall back to the ground and A dragging her up. I saw a glimpse of them and then we were separated.

 A dragged me into another room

"No" I screamed

 Three more A's started dragging me. One A held hold of my throat. I couldn't breath probly anymore. I struggled and managed to get away. Another A dragged me by the hair before another one held my throat and shoved my head back and I felt A scratch my face and the pain made me wince.

 I won't say everything that happened what happened was painful I couldn't breath or at the very least breath probly through out it.

 When they throw me back in my room my hair was brown. I felt like crying. I noticed a scratch on my neck. The side of my head hurt from it being banged against what they used to die my hair. I didn't have any piercing in now. The piercings I had had all been ripped out. It hurt like hell and sadly it had not been taken off as gently as I would have taken them out. Some of them had been ripped out others hadn't quite been ripped out but still not been taken out gently. 

"Welcome back to your room Maria Hill" said the horrible peppy voice

"I'm Lydia" I screamed

"Sarah no" I screamed in a recording

I could here the horrible haunting voice. I couldn't bare to think of that night. I screamed when images flashed on a scream.

I could see Sarah on the recording. Sarah had never changed from the picture I had of her in my head. Her face was still twisted in hate and anger.

"Stop" I screamed

I cod see Keira on the recording she was screaming and sobbing. She was covered in blood.

I could see Lydia lying on the floor. I felt sick. Her long black hair had fallen over her face until she managed to lift her head up. She was covered in blood. Her red dress was stained in her own blood and dirt and I could see tears running down her face. I could see another girl lying on the ground not moving. It was Jen Mclay. I could see Rochelle and Tara none of them were moving

"Stop" I screamed "Stop"

 I hid my face with my hands. I could still here it though.

"What is your name" said the peppy voice

 I was silent for a few seconds. No I thought I won't lose. I decided to carry on but I didn't last forever.

"My name is Maria Hill" I wailed through my tears when I gave in

"You have had a warning you watch it for two more hours" said the voice

"No" I screamed and tears streamed down my face "Stop" I roared

 I didn't want A to see me like this but watching all that horror broke me.

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