Chapter Nineteen

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  • Dedicated to Carissa Rose

A/N: Thanks to all who voted and commented last time.

This chapter is dedicated to Carissa Rose for the most amazing review and encouragement! To be 100% honest with you, her review is the reason why I stopped doing my homework – very irresponsible of me, might I add – to write this and upload it. Your comment really do mean the world to me!

Okay, so here is an upload for y'all! And I made it longer than the last couple, so y'all should be quite happy about this! BTW - Jenna is from Florida, which is below the Mason-Dixon line, which means she is well in her right to say 'y'all'. Jason typically says 'you guys' because he lived in California for half of his life... and I want to say I specified that in chapter one. That's just a tid bit because some of y'all have been asking about it.

Anyway! Thanks and I'll talk more at the end!


Chapter Nineteen


            “So let me get this straight,” Jason said on our way over to Rinn’s house. “You told Andrew that I was going out with Rinn, not with you – my girlfriend, and then made yourself Andrew’s date? Am I getting this right so far?” I nodded. “And you want me to act like I’m into Rinn, and act like we’re just friends?” He asked, motioning between the two of us. I nodded again. “As long as you sit next to me…” he grumbled. “I don’t like this.”

            I smirked. “You can’t sit next to me idiot. I have to sit next to Andrew, who’s actually really sweet, and when he loosens up he’s even kind of funny. You have to sit next to Rinn.”

            “Can I at least sit in front of you?”

            I nodded. “We can play footsie, and be best buddies and make all sorts of trouble!” I cooed, only halfway kidding.

            “I like it. We should be obnoxious to try and scare our dates off, and then I can actually take you out.” He smiled at me. “You should order the most expensive thing on the menu.”

            I nodded. “And you need to tell Rinn that she has an eight dollar budget.” We were going to Olive Garden, she could figure something out.

            Tonight was going to be a whole lot of fun. “Funsies,” Jason said in a high, squeaky voice.

            We pulled into the driveway and met Rinn and Andrew on the porch. She was laughing at something, and Andrew was smirking at me. “Are we ready then?” I asked, resisting the urge to grab Jason’s hand.

            “Oh we’re ready,” Andrew said, slipping his arm through mine and leading our group across the grass to his car. “We’ll just take mine,” he said.

            “JASON! RINN! Ride with us!” I screamed, making sure to be close to his ear. I love my life… Andrew cringed at my shriek. Tonight was going to be a great night.

            RInn skipped up beside me, pulling Jason by his hand. I admit, I had a pang of jealously, but I really shouldn’t have… She smiled and looped her arm in my other arm. “I’m so excited for our date!” She said really obnoxiously, trying to skip while holding onto us.

            We parted to get into the car. I sat in the front seat with Andrew while my boyfriend and best friend sat in the back. “Music?” Andrew asked, turning up the radio.

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