Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: HEEEEYYY EVERYONE! First of all, I'm sorry I'm so late on this upload... if it makes a difference I got an A on my history test.... Second of all, I didn't upload this weekend because it was CRAZY! So... here's the upload! It's longer than the last two! So I hope y'all are happy with it!! I enjoyed writing most of it.... part of it I was kind of bored with... I just needed to get to the next scene, so that's why it's there. Hope y'all like it anyway!

Picture -----------> is of Liam


Chapter Sixteen


            When you receive news like ‘your best friend just ran away’, the first thing you think is ‘that’s not true’. I reached for my phone and dialed her number from memory. It went straight to voicemail all three times I tried. “No. There’s got to be some sort of mistake. That’s impossible! Anna wouldn’t run away!”

            “But she did, baby. She left last night at some point. It's been a little over twenty-four hours since she's been seen. The police are out looking for her, but we don’t know where she is. Jane said that the last time she saw her was at breakfast. Then she heard her messing around in the kitchen, but she didn’t actually see her. We think that was about when she left,” my mom said, patting my arm and giving me a sympathetic look.

            I wrenched my arm away and ran to my closet. I threw a sweatshirt over my tank top and slipped on some shoes. “I have to go look for her. I have to go,” I said frantically. People say that when you panic, you don’t think straight. I can absolutely confirm that that’s true, because I was trying to get out of my room by way of the bathroom. The whole time I was muttering, “Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh.”

“Do you have any idea where she would be?” My Dad asked, looking at me worriedly.

            I shook my head, trying to rack my brain of any place that she might go, a place that she and her dad might go, a place that just her dad would go, but nothing was coming to mind. “She could be anywhere, Dad.”

            My dad pulled his keys out of his pocket. “Come on then, we’ll go talk to Jane and see what we can do. I don’t think it’s safe for you to be driving.”

            I nodded, unable to form words. My life is like a soap opera; there’s always some sort of drama going on. My life is never calm and quiet… at least not recently. It used to be… before Jason came into the picture. Since then, nothing has been simple.

            I followed my Dad numbly out to the car. He opened the door for me and let me crawl in. Neither one of us said anything the whole ride to Anna’s house. Jane was standing in the middle of a group of important looking men, talking with her hands. “Jane!” I called out, running from the car.

            She wrapped her arms around me and looked at me, all the weight of the world in her eyes. “Please, Jenna. Do you know where she might be? Has she said anything to you?”

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