Chapter Fourteen

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Hey y'all!!

I'M SO SORRY THAT IT HAS BEEN SOOO LATE! Can I just say that school has been hectic!! By the way, y'all should be thanking me, because instead of taking notes in history (which, my teacher makes super hard..................) I was writing this. That's right, I was being irresponsible for y'all. SO YOU BETTER BE APPRECIATIVE.

PICTURE OF JASON --------------------->

I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I think that y'all will see why........ hehehe anyway, enjoy, and, as always, it's not edited. I'm really sorry.... I've just got no time. Eventually, I will go back and edit everything and make it better, I promise!!!

Bye for now!


Chapter Fourteen

            “Is it true?” A girl at lunch asked me, stopping in front of our table. “Did you really get stuck in your dress?”

            I sighed, tearing the crust off of my sandwich. This was the ninth time today someone had actually asked me about it, but everyone knew. “Yes, Lisa, it’s true.”

            Lisa’s face contorted into a look of pity. “Wow… Did you, you know,” she glanced around. Whispering, she said, “Gain weight?”

            “No, Lisa. I did not gain weight.”

            Did it look like I had gained weight? No, it didn’t. In fact, I lost a couple of pounds in the last month. I think it’s the stress over boys, which is really disgusting if you think about it. “Oh good! So what happened? Did you just grab the wrong size or something?”

            I shrugged. “I don’t know. I think that the dresses just ran really small, or maybe I picked up the manufacture defect one. I’m not sure.” I gave her my best shut-up-and-leave look. She didn’t get it.

            “Hmm… That sucks. I’m really sorry that you had to deal with that.” Lisa’s pitying look was really annoying.

            “It’s no big deal, really.”

            “But it is!” She squealed. “Everyone’s talking about it! There’s even a rumor going around that you’re pregnant.”

            This was new. This made my eyes practically pop out of my head. “Pregnant?

            Lisa nodded. “People are saying that you’re preggers with Jason Anderson, since you two always seem so close and skipped school together a couple months ago. It would make sense, since you don’t start showing until you’re about three months along.”

            This was fantastic. So now I’m pregnant, and not only am I pregnant, but I’m carrying Jason’s child. I hate my life.

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