Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Y'all should be very happpy right now. Want to know why? Because I've gotten two uploads in one week (that is if you consider one week a conglomeration of this week and last....) and I've written three pages of chapter sixteen, meaning that you should feel very confident that I'll have Chapter Sixteen up by the end of the week. (: Actually... you shouldn't... because I've got a huge Advanced American History exam, math exam and Cells and Genetics quiz.... all this week.... and 2 English quizzes and a paper.... so no... don't feel confident actually. Be afraid for another long waiting period again.....


Oh and I just added the picture of Jason to Chapter Fourteen

ANYWAYS..... A lot of you were quite happy about Jenna and Jason deciding to get together...

FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT THINK THE RULES ARE STUPID AND THAT JASON SHOULD NOT HAVE ONLY KISSED HER ON THE LIPS, THIS IS FOR YOU! Seriously guys, I love it when you comment. I read every single one, and although I don't have time to respond to them all like I would love to... I still love you for commenting and for voting every time. Y'all seriously rock. But for the really annoying comments like 'that's so stupid about why she has rules'.... listen up. She likes Jason, she DOES NOT love him. He likes her, he DOES NOT love her. Love takes more time than a teenage infatuation. Yes, I recognize that there are definitely those times when a couple meets in high school and fall in love and are together forever. This is not one of those cases. Y'all don't understand it all yet because you don't see my master plan for this one and for the sequel. I promise, everything works out. As far as the rules go, she doesn't trust herself to not take things too far. Things went way to fast in her last relationship and she doesn't want to relive ANY of that again, hence the rules to take it slow. As for Jason not kissing her on the lips and making it more passionate.... really, y'all can't figure out why he ONLY kissed her on the forehead?? Jenna is like a little time bomb, and he is afraid of making her mad. So, very subtly, he kissed her on the forehead to tell her that he's there for her at her pace. Please understand all of that.

Anyway! My rant is over and I hope that y'all enjoy this next chapter. It's sort of fillerish, but hey, there have definitely been worse fillers, so I hope y'all enjoy it. (:


Chapter Fifteen


            The funeral was scheduled for Friday, which Jane considered ‘too long a delay’. Anna was right about Jane being completely different when ever she lost someone close. Anna went home for a couple of hours and was back at my house for the week. My parents, of course, were completely fine with everything and said that “everyone grieves differently” and to “just give her time and she’ll come around”.

            I had only cried one time, but it wasn’t around Anna. Of course, I was only not with Anna that one time and it wasn’t for long. Anna needed someone to be strong, but still be there for her. As long as her mom wasn’t, my family was. Besides, I don’t think that my dad could handle two weepy teenage girls in the house.

            I knocked on the bathroom door Friday morning. “Anna, are you ready to go?”

            “No,” she moaned, her voice thick with emotion. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open. Anna was sitting down in front of the toilet dressed, but that was about it. She looked, in a word, awful. “I can’t do this, Jenna. I can’t do this. I can’t look at him, lifeless, dead in that casket. I just can’t.” More tears spilt from her eyes.

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