Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Hey y'all! Okay, so this one is pretty late... sorry about that... but it's really long, just so ya know. It was 18 pages and part of the 19th page on word... so it's pretty long. (: Hope you enjoy!

For whoever said that 'y'all' is irritating, she's from the south, well below the mason-dixon line, it is perfectly normal for her to say 'y'all'. Jason doesn't because he spent most of his life in California....

Just saying (:

Anyway, have fun reading it!

----------------> Picture of Anna


Chapter Seventeen

            Anna had even more make up work than I did and made sure that I knew exactly how displeased about it she was. From lunch on, that being every day until Friday, Anna complained about how much trouble she was in and how much she had to do. “Can’t the teachers give me a break? I just lost my father. Shouldn’t that be a reason to let me off the hook? Because I really don’t have time for all of this. I wasn’t in class, so I didn’t learn any of this. I’m so sleep deprived right now, that I’ve forgotten what sleep is like! Is it nice?” I nodded. “Yeah, I thought so. I remember the days when I got at least eight hours of sleep a night! But I’m only functioning on four! Because all of my teachers said that this stuff must be done before the end of the week, because that’s the end of the nine weeks!”

            “Is it really that time?”

            She nodded. “I know! And so now I have to get everything done! Do you know how much stuff I have to do? I have so much stuff that I can’t even really remember! And-”

            “You’ve been on Facebook every night,” I pointed out, tired of hearing this speech for the nine hundredth time.

            “That’s beside the point. I wasn’t really on it, though. It was up, but I was doing other things,” she tried to convince me. “Where are we going?” She asked suddenly, stopping and looking around.

            We were in the gym headed towards the boys’ locker rooms. “Do you know what today is?” I asked.


            “And do you know what that means?”


            “Football game…?” I offered.

            “That I can’t go too…” She frowned.

            “No, but Rinn can, and I still have to get Jason’s jersey. He forgot it at school last night and couldn’t give it to me.” Rinn’s nose wrinkled. “Holly washed it and sent it with him. It’s just waiting for me to wear it,” I supplied, knowing where her mind was going to.

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