☠ m e r m a i d - 101 ☠

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Mermaid 101

Facts about the mermaids on the story: "Yes, Captain".

1. After a mermaid is born they stay an age for 10 years.

Michael was sixteen in the story, but he has been alive for 160 years.

2. All mermaids are born with different colors on their hair, and when they experience an emotion it changes.

Michael's normal hair was white but it changed with emotions.

3. Mermaids aren't born evil, but they're bound to be at some point. When they fall in love, their hair changes to a totally different color from their emotions and that's the color they show everytime they attack.

Michael's hair color for love and for attacking was navy blue.

4. After a mermaid has killed their soulmate they are bound to kill human's for fun after that. It's a curse. That's why mermaids are so angry when they attack and their teeth get sharp like a shark's; their nails get longer and sharper too. Mermaids also sing a deadly song to lure human's for their kiss of death before killing them.

Michael told Luke he didn't attack humans because he has never done it before.

Michael told Luke he didn't attack humans because he has never done it before

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5. Mermaid tears can cure human's cuts or scratches, but not their own. Only the sand and algae can cure the cuts on a mermaid.

Michael cured Luke's scratch on his foot with his tears, and Calum's one on his cheek.

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I think that's all ????? I hope it made you understand the ending better, it was bound to happen. Okay okay sORRY!


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