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It's been two days since the captain had found that man on his ship. Island Mercury was just around the corner and Luke couldn't hold in his excitement. He was getting rich after this visit.

Or dead.

At least that's what people say. Island Mercury was also called The Land of The Dead where the people that landed on it, never survived.

Luke reunited, one night at a bar, people who weren't afraid to die for this journey. Half of his crew refused at first but after promising free rum, they cheered and drunkenly wrote their name on an old yellow piece of paper.

"Captain, captain!" Ashton called, stumbling through the door to the captain's cabin.

The ship moved to the left but Luke didn't even flinch, already used to this kinds of movements. Ashton, a newbie, wasn't used to them and stumbled against Luke's treasures. All of them falling to the floor.

When Ashton saw all of the diamonds, pearls and money on the floor he gulped. He could just take all of that and leave in a boat, try and survive the sea back home with just bottles of rum for three days.

But the curly lad just shook his head, his eyes focusing on the Captain, who sighed at the things on the floor.

"What do you need, Ashton?" Luke asked, his gaze completely on the map in front of him.

"There's a clear view of the Island, Captain" Ashton tried to stand upright, puffing out his chest with his hands behind his back.

But he just looked downright like a kid --even though that's what he was, a seventeen year old kid--, with his long curly hair and cute dimples that were barely noticible anymore, sad hazel eyes staring at Luke.

Luke stood up, taking his sword from the table and putting it safely on his belt. His boots hitting the wooden floor hard as he past Ashton, knocking their shoulders, showing who is more dominant over the other.

Ashton exhale loudly after the Captain was gone and skipped over the stairs, almost tripping over them due to the wet floor.

Luke smirked lazily at the sight in front of him, there it was, Island Mercury. In an hour they would be entering completely the island. So, he just walked to the side of the ship to admire the island.

The dark grey clouds were covering the sun from shinning down; the air was cold and Luke shivered. His dark blonde hair moving in every direction, he loved it. He loves the sea, the salty wind going through his hair. He loves the different of hues the water can make with the colors blue and green and he loves especially the sun casting down on his face as he has a sword battle with the enemy.

What he didn't like was being disturbed when he was enjoying such a breathtakingly view.


Luke gripped the edge of the ship in anger, trying to control the need to yell at the person. "Yes?" he breathed and turned around to find one of his men shaking, knowing someone had sent him just to disturb him.

Yes, Captain. ↬ Muke af [✔]Where stories live. Discover now