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Michael flicks his white tail slowly from side to side, his eyes admiring the man he just randomly saved. He stared from a few feet away in awe, his head against the palm of his hand.

Luke woke himself coughing water, he breathed heavy, a hand over his chest as he blinked. He was about to get up when he saw one of the creatures he was attacked by, just staring at him with the most innocent green eyes.

"What--what the fuck?" he crawled backwards, a look of fear evident on his face.

The merman tilted his head to the side in curiosity of the dark haired blonde looking so scared, like he would do something to him.

Luke was about to get up and ran but the pain on his leg made it hard for him to get up. He tripped and fell down hard on the ground, hissing as he saw his leg was bleeding with three scratches on the side. "Holy mother of pearl!" he screamed and the merman jumps a little at the loud voice.

He starts crawling over to Luke, and just when the merman is close enough is that Luke notices the merman had crawled over to him.

The blonde shakes his head and tries to crawl backwards but the merman takes a hold of his injured foot.

"Stop! Help! Don't touch me" he slaps the hands of the merman but he doesn't even flinch, his white hair covering his glowing green eyes.

Luke feels like he encounters death to often. So he just waits for the merman to do whatever to him, he can't fight the beautiful creature. Pushing him wasn't working.

The merman thought hard about something sad and let his tears fall over the injury, healing them instantly. Just the scratch on the pants visible now.

Luke's eyes widen and he crawled away from the merman, who looked up with sad eyes. His hair turning a pale blue color, that shocked the pirate even more.

Luke looked at the merman for a moment, then to his foot and back up. The merman had once again white hair and Luke swore he must be imagining things.

"Do you.... Talk?" he whispered.

The merman only tilted his head and smiled, nodding rapidly. His hair turning a pink color. "Yes" he said, his voice so soft Luke knew that if he would have been standing he would have dropped to his knees.

Luke gulped, a weird feeling spreading through his chest. "What's your name?"

"Michael" the merman closed his eyes, his hair still a pink color.

Luke watched in awe as the merman licked his bottom lip with his tongue, he didn't know if the merman was provoking him or not with those red lips of his and pretty green eyes and the roundness nose, he was just so beautiful.

"Michael" Luke repeated, and Michael thought his name coming off of the pirate's lips was the prettiest sound he has ever heard.

Before any of them could do anything, there was a net over Michael and hands pulling Luke up.

The merman trashed against the net and Luke felt the urge to scream at his own people picking the net the merman was in, like a sack of potatoes.

Yes, Captain. ↬ Muke af [✔]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat