
"Look." You pull out Winnie's old pink and white rose quilt, which is warm and soft and envelopes the two of you in Winnie's familiar bakery perfume.

"Oh." Serena mumbles, blushing.

"It's fine." You murmur, kissing her cheek.

The movie starts, and you snuggle into your girlfriend's side.


It's five minutes into the movie and you hear whispering.

"-but I mean, who does that? You come on a date with me, and then spend the whole time talking about your best friend? I mean, what the hell, man?"

"Oh, that's it!"

Dean can insult a lot of things, but the second he insults Winnie's love for her besties, he's a dead man.

"Melanie, what-"

"Dean Terrence!"

Two heads whip around to see an angry violet headed woman being followed by her mahogany haired girlfriend. Dean stands to face you.

"Melly...?" Winnie whispers warningly.

"You have insulted my best friend. Her character, her actions, her favorite color. Nobody talks to Winnie like that without dealing with me!" You jab him in the chest, annunciating your last three words.

He doesn't blink.

"Melanie," Winnie rises, and the little flecks of gold in her ocean eyes have grown, morphing into fire-filled amber. That's all you can focus on before her next words stab you in the stomach.

"You weren't wanted on this date. This was my first date ever. Why couldn't you let me enjoy it? Haven't you done enough?"

"Winnie, this guy was ragging on you, raking you through the mud!"

"He was talking about his ex-girlfriend!"

"Why'd he bring up his ex if he was on a date with you?"

"Because he didn't bring it up! I did! Dean went out with Courtney from high school, remember her?"

And of course you remember Courtney. Courtney, Winnie's first ever best friend. That was before she had turned on the clumsy, quirky girl. Courtney had bullied Winnie all through middle school. Courtney had driven Winnie to a constant state of insecurity. Courtney was the one of the biggest reasons why Winnie was so scared to face her fears with the Leviathans.

Of course you remember Courtney, the hell-bitch.

"When I lived in California, I dated Courtney in college. She was a hell-bitch, and apparently, she was one then, too, which Winnie so didn't deserve." Dean offers, putting a protective arm around the blonde.

"We both hate her, so we were complaining about her, earlier tonight and just now."

"And I wouldn't diss Winnie's favorite color or her love of comics, considering they're two things we have in common."

"He was imitating someone at his office that hates the color yellow. And he was teasing about me being a nerd!"

"He was drinking alcohol! He only wanted to get laid!" You scream, and you're only faintly aware of the people pulling out of the theater because of your shouting match.

"He wanted to get to know me! I ordered a vodka first! He didn't want me for sex!"

"How do you know that? You can't trust guys like him!"

"Oh, and I'm just supposed to trust girls like you?"

"I'm your best friend! I know what's best for you and dating this dickbag is not it!"

"You know what, Melanie Robbins? FUCK YOU!" And wow, this just got serious because Winnie never curses. You can count all the times she's cussed on one hand, and even then she always apologizes right after, as if she's afraid she'll offend someone with her dirty mouth.

Tears stream down her ruddy cheeks, ruining her makeup. Her voice shakes with her next words.

"I want you to go," And what can you do? You've tainted this night forever with your accusations. Dean holds Winnie's waist as she sobs, heart-wrenchingly loud.

You open your mouth to shout some more, to apologize, to say something, anything, but a third voice stops you cold.

"Melanie." Serena's teal eyes are frosty, intense.

"Get in the car." She hisses.

You bite your lip and nod, and the other woman walks steadily away.

Before you can move, Dean's words wash you in clarity.

"God, I hope you're satisfied."

And you realize you've acted entirely on impulse.

You've stalked a new couple, full of hope, just waiting for a screw up on one end so you could swoop in and break them up.

You've brought your unknowing, innocent girlfriend on a date you put no effort into.

You've maliciously attacked not only your claimed 'best friend's' new boyfriend, but this aforementioned best friend's dating appeal.

You've ruined the peace you and Winnie had achieved just this week.

You've possibly ruined your relationship with Serena.

The regret hits you full force, spinning you into a sea of sorrow.

My God, what have you done?


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