Lauren smiled in return.

"Come on mija," my dad threw an arm over my shoulder, consoling me. "Let's go home."

As we reached the door, I stopped and looked back.

"Thank you Miss Jauregui," I wiped tears off of my face. "See you in class tomorrow," I turned back to the door.

"It's okay if you want to stay home tomorrow," the principal allowed.

I needed to come though. Staying home wasn't going to help me much. Besides, I wanted to see Lauren. I wasn't going to see her today, sadly. My parents were probably going to be watching me the whole time, making sure I was okay.

We left.


At the dinner table, it was silent. No one was eating anything, just playing with the food on their forks. It was awkward. This made me remember what happened earlier with Austin. I couldn't get it out of my head. I couldn't forget how disturbing it was to feel his body weight on me.

Inevitably, a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Try not to think about it love," my mom advised.

It was easier said than done.

"I'll try," I breathed out.

"Camila, how old is Miss Jauregui? She looks so young," my mom commented.

"She looks to be about twenty-three," my dad guessed.

Wow, a few hours ago, I was almost raped and here they were, talking about my teacher, my girlfriend. I guess it was better than it being quiet and feeling the tension in the room. This could actually help me forget the incident.

"She's twenty-six," I answered.

"I bet it must be tough teaching high school students. Especially being as young and beautiful as she is," my mom stated. She actually started to eat now.

"Maybe, but Miss Jauregui is wonderful at teaching, most people in class are really learning the material," I informed. "Even Jonah," I added. 

"Who's Jonah?" My dad's forehead creased in confusion.

Well I guess it would help to explain.

"Jonah's a guy in class who usually has trouble learning or paying attention," I clarified. They made that ohhh okay look.

"Well she seemed nice, I'm glad you have a teacher like her," My mom commented.   

"I bet a lot of guys in class check her out, right?" Oh god, dad brought up this subject. "A young lady as gorgeous as her can't be overseen," he added, gaining a glare from my mom. That made me want to laugh. "I'm just saying," he said in defense. "You know I love you," he leaned into my mom and kissed her on the lips, while I looked the other way.

"You better," mom retorted playfully. "I completely agree though, Miss Jauregui is beyond beautiful, at first, I thought she was a model," she joked. Oh come on mom, a model? What would a model be doing at school? I understood her logic behind it though.

I'm glad that my parents liked and thought that Lauren was beautiful. Even though they didn't know about her and I.

"Whoever she's dating is one lucky guy," my dad stated. Well, I was the lucky girl, but he didn't need to know that. "If I were him, I would be watching her like a hawk, making sure to push off all the little perverts that are looking at her," he joked.

"What?" I was so interested in this.

"Well you know, so many must be after her, anyone could steal her from her boyfriend," he elaborated.

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