Chapter 57-Meant To Be

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Scanning the hallways, I carefully manage to sneak around through the hallway to Harry's doorway. I peek inside to see that he's in the midst of watching TV. So I don't piss him off or scare him half to death, I begin to knock but just before my knuckles make contact with the door, a thought hits me.

If Harry faked the heart attack, were Liam, Niall, and that nurse in on it?

I don't think they would be. I believe Harry. I trust him. It's Zayn that scares me though. I think he's still up to something. I just don't know what.

I knock on his white wooden door three times before I hear his husky voice telling me to come in, although I doubt he knows it's me at the door. I slowly walk in, careful not to trip over any of the cords or power strips. Harry looks at me, a small smile appearing on his face. I like it better when we're friends and now I think everything's OK between the two of us.

"Hey. You came," Harry smiles as he tries to sit up in bed.

"Of course I came. I still care a lot about you Harry."

He looks at me for a moment, so I just stand and wait, thinking that he has more to say. I remain silent until I hear Louis calling my name.

"I'll be right back," I whisper as I lean in to give Harry a kiss on his cheek.

"I'll be here," I hear him mumble as I walk out.

I walk out of Harry's room and make my way downstairs so I can see what Louis wants. This better be good because I was in the middle of trying to make up with Harry.

*Louis' POV*

Liz and I were meant to be together since the very beginning. I don't care if Harry saw her first I was her first time, her first love. And those are two things that you will never forget no matter how hard you try to. I am determined to be with Liz no matter what it takes. She will be mine........


I see her walk into the foyer so I quickly grab a beer bottle and try to act casual as though I wasn't just waiting for her. When I see her begin to come closer, I quickly turn around and open the fridge, beginning to rummage through it as though I'm looking for something to eat or drink.

"You wanted to see me," I hear her sweet voice greet, so I quickly whip around, making eye contact.

"Hey," I smile.

"Uh........hi," she greets awkwardly.

She maneuvers around me to the fridge, pulling a bottle of Coke out. I remain silent, causing her to become a little bit uneasy, unsure of what I called her here for. I take her hand, pulling her close to my chest, only causing her to stiffen up a little bit.

"Umm......." She trails off.

"Liz.........I want to be with you. We're meant to be together-"

"No we're not! I only liked you first because you were the only one that was nice to me back then-"

"And that's an excuse?" I sass.

"I don't like you that way-"

"Well then who do you like that way?!?" I demand to know.

"Hey guys. What's going on?" Niall asks, interrupting the two of us.

"Ugh! I'm out of here," Liz mutters, pushing through Niall and Megan as they hold hands in the kitchen.

"What's her deal?" Megan asks.

"Who knows anymore," I shake my head, feeling frustrated.

She clearly doesn't want to be with me but has no clue who she wants to be with. One second she loves me and the next second she wants to hit me with a pickup truck. It's so fucking annoying because she always acts different around everyone. It's seriously pissing me off because she never really tells anyone that she wants to be with them. But then we'd have to guess and no one wants to go to all that trouble. Like, seriously, just tell us if you want to be with us. It's really not that hard but apparently Liz wants it to be as difficult as trying to decide whether to cut the red wire or the blue one in a bomb situation.

*Harry's POV*

As I walk out of the bathroom, feeling relived, I begin to hear the faint sound of crying. I decide to go investigate so I walk through the hallway, trying to figure out which door the crying is coming from. I suddenly stop when I hear crying coming from Liz's room. I've got a bad feeling about this.........

"Liz?" I call before knocking on the door a couple times quickly, "Liz it's Harry. Can I come in?"

After a few short moments, she opens the door. I can tell she's been crying because her eyes are tear stained and she's sniffling. She slowly nods, sticking her hands in her sweatshirt pocket, and turns around, walking towards her bed.

"Is everything OK?" I ask her after I gently shut the door to keep our conversation private.

I know that she may think that I'm gonna try something because I shut and locked the door but I'm not gonna pull anything. I just came here to talk. I can tell something's been bothering her so I want to help her before she starts taking her anger out by cutting herself again because I really don't want her to starting doing that one again.

She ignores me and just sits down on the bed, minding her own business. I can see her arms fidgeting around in her sweatshirt pocket so obviously she has something hiding in there. I begin to reach for her pocket when she suddenly backs up, afraid.

"Can I see?" I softly ask.

Liz just looks at me, looks down at her pocket, and then looks back up at me. Not even realizing what she's doing, she pulls the piece of paper out of her pocket and holds it in her hands. I stare at her until I see a tear fall down her face, so I quickly sit down on the bed and wipe her tears away. I cross my legs and pull her into my lap, wrapping my arms around her tiny waist. I miss it when we were like this back when we first started dating. I just hope that we aren't divorced yet because maybe we might have a very slim chance of saving our marriage. I rest my chin on her right shoulder and look down, examining the picture.

"Who is that?" I ask.

"My dad and I when I was a baby," she whispers before I see a tear fall onto the picture.

"Where'd you get this photo?"

"I just found it in my memory box. It's where I keep all my special and personal items that have a significant meaning to me."

"I'd ask to see your box but I know it's personal to you so I'm not gonna bother," I state, respecting her privacy.

"I miss him so much.........." Liz cries.

I lift Liz up and turn her around so she faces me. I wipe her tears away and push a loose strand of hair back behind her ear.

"Don't cry beautiful. Shh......." I whisper comfortingly.

To give her a chance to lie down and calm down, I lean her back, resting her on the bed. I kiss her forehead and begin to get off the bed, but I'm suddenly tugged back when I feel her hand holding mine. She doesn't say anything, but I know she wants me to stay with her, so I do. I lay down on my side, laying next to her while facing her, making sure to keep myself comfy. So we don't get cold, I pull her blankets up over top us, keeping us warm.

"I love you Liz," I whisper when I finally see her eyes shut peacefully.

Knowing that she's asleep gives me the reassurance that I can fall asleep. I shut my eyes, beginning to drift off into slumber, when I suddenly feel her soft lips press into mine. She must still love me..........

Thank god........

I know how hard this must be for her, so I decided to be the one to help her get through this because I'm sure as hell not gonna let her try to deal with this on her own. No way. She wouldn't be able to do it. But she is as long as I'm there with her right by her side every step of the way...........

Trapped 5: Happily Ever After *Sequel To Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin