Chapter 16-I'll Make It Up To You, I Promise

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I drown the rest of my beer, feeling as though nothing in this world can fill the empty gap that Niall just ripped out of my heart and tore to shreds. I make my way out to the garage to throw the bottle into recycling when I see Niall at his car.

"Hi," I shyly greet while nervously approaching him, "what are you doing?"

"Just cleaning out my car real quick before we head out. Are you gonna be ready to go soon?"

"Niall I don't know if-"

"Pleaseeeee," he begs as he basically gets down on his knees.

I look down at him, feeling stupid for wanting to turn him down. But I'm in no mood to be cheered up. He puts on his best puppy dog face, causing me to smile at how much he wants to make it up to me. No guy has ever done that for me before. But Niall, he's..........he's special.

"Alright," I sigh, feeling as though I'm being forced to go.

"C'mon let's go!" He cheers as he leads me to the passengers side of the car.

I giggle at Niall's cuteness and then hop into the passengers seat. Niall jumps in and then speeds off.

"Do you have any idea where you're going?" I ask, not being able to stop smiling.

"Yes I do," he smiles.

"What are we doing?" I ask.

"You'll see," he smirks.

About an hour later, Niall pulls into a parking lot. I look out to see that we're at a park.......again.

"What are you hiding?" I ask.

"Nothing," he chuckles, "I just wanna make you happy."

"Well thank you for going to all this trouble," I blush.

I nervously get out of the car, unsure of what Niall has in store for me. He jumps out and races to his trunk, pulling out a soccer ball, a picnic basket, and a boom box. He eagerly carries the items down the sidewalk through the park and about a quarter mile later he finally stops and sets everything down.

"Niall," I giggle.

"I wanna make you feel special and I wanna show you how sorry I am for deleting those messages."

It's nice that Niall's willing to go to all this trouble and all, but I'm still upset because now whenever I feel sad, I won't be able to look at those messages to cheer me up. Niall glances up as he spreads out the picnic blanket, an excited smile plastered on his face.

*Niall's POV*

I hope she doesn't realize that my smile is fake. It's so hard to act like nothing's wrong around her now. I mean, she's the only one that doesn't know that Perrie's pregnant, and she never will find out, hopefully. I look up at Liz and smile, causing her to giggle.

"Would you mind giving me a hand?" I ask.

"Sure," she blushes as she gets down on her knees in the grass.

I thought coming to North Carolina would've resulted in me becoming a third wheel. Apparently I was wrong. Liz and Harry have had no problem with me crashing at their place and they've made me feel so welcome even though it's their honeymoon. I bet if I didn't show up nothing would've changed. They don't seem like that couple that has sex all the time, which I like because I don't exactly like finding out that Liz does it and then the next month later you find out she's pregnant. I hate lying to her. I mean look at her. She looks so happy today, not a single care in the world.

When we've mounted the picnic blanket down to guarantee that it'll stay in place, Liz sits down on it and begins digging through the contents of the picnic basket.

Trapped 5: Happily Ever After *Sequel To Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life*Where stories live. Discover now