Chapter 43-Happy New Year!

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*New Years Eve - December 31st*

Waking up, looking outside to see a simple winter day, I notice Harry outside playing with Daisy, but no Dylan. I toss my robe onto my shoulders, covering my bare body. Where the hell is Dylan? Why is he not outside? I walk downstairs to see Louis playing peek-a-boo with him.

"Peek-a-boo!" Louis jokes as he pulls his hands out from in front of his face.

"What are you doing?" I ask in an annoyed tone, crossing my arms feeling as though Dylan should be out with Harry.

"Just playing with my son-"

"Harry's son. We broke up a long time ago-"

"Yeah but he's actually my son-"

"Doesn't matter," I snap, "Harry takes care of him more than you ever will. You barely take care of Casey to begin with-"

"Because I wanna be with you more than Eleanor-"

"Let me stop you right there," I state before walking over into the kitchen to the island.

"Where are you going?" Louis questions as he's getting up and following me to the island.

I look at the concoction in front of me to notice that someone's making pancakes, and they're missing an egg. Pulling out two eggs from the fridge, I set one down on the counter and just hold the other one in my hand. Louis gives me a confused look so I take the egg in my hand and smash it on Louis'  head and shake the remaining egg from my hand onto his shirt and then walk away. He deserves it because no one, and I mean no one gets away with leaving me broken hearted. 

"What the?!?" Louis gasps when he realizes what I've done.

"Hey there you are! I've been looking for you all morning," Zayn smiles while strutting into the kitchen from the garage.

Zayn picks me up and twirls me around happily before setting me down. I look into his deep, mystical eyes before I see the back door open with Harry and Daisy walking through it. I walk over to Harry who gives me a sweet kiss and then a sexy look, and I know exactly what his sexy look means.

"You OK? You look a little under the weather," Harry asks.

"I'm fine, seriously," I answer, shrugging off Harry's concerned look, "so Zayn what did you want?"

"Oh!" He suddenly remembers, "my buddy's having this New Year party and we're all invited and I was wondering if you wanted to go-not with me but just in general. I know Harry's going and I figured he'd still be outside when I asked you but, you know. You don't have to come I was just wondering if you do want to go or not."

"Oh, umm........" I think for a moment.

I honestly don't really want to go but I do because I know it'll be fun and I'll be with Harry. And I know Nathan will be there and Harry promised he'd get to know Nathan better. 

"Who's all going?" I nervously ask.

"Well, we all are. I don't know about the girls-"

"I'm going," Danielle smiles, probably happy because it'll give her a chance to meet other guys.

"I can't...........I have to study for midterms," Eleanor shrugs, not seeming to mind not going one bit.

"So what do you say Liz? Are you in?" Zayn asks, obviously waiting for an answer.

*Harry's POV*

As Zayn's waiting for her answer, her phone goes off. We stand and wait as Liz pulls out her phone, reading her text message. When she's finished, tears are flashing in her eyes as her face turns red with anger. I stand in front of the back door, confused, when she slowly approaches me, clearly trying to fight back tears.

Trapped 5: Happily Ever After *Sequel To Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life*Where stories live. Discover now