Chapter 50-Single Pringle

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*Harry's POV*

My world is officially beginning to crumble down. My bridges have been burned.........and now my heart has been broken........

She can't seriously be breaking things off with me. We love each other way too much. She's throwing away all of those precious memories just because I showed up a little late. Is it seriously my fault that someone buried my phone in a box? Just the thought of us ever breaking up just kills me inside, it absolutely kills me. And I hate it. I don't wanna just be with any girl. I wanna be with Liz.......because she's the kind of girl that I know I can spoil and make feel special. When I met Liz, all of my past girlfriends literally just became dust in my mind. They no longer mean anything to me. Now, my entire world revolves around Liz because she means everything to me. I don't know what I would ever do without her. I remember that the day I saw her walking back in an alleyway, I knew she was gonna be special. I never actually realized at the time that I would have feelings for her, let alone marrying her. I never actually pictured settling down with anyone because I was usually described as a player or a womanizer, so no one really wanted to date me because they knew that there would be no emotional feelings or connection. It'd just be one night in bed, that's it. You only get to feel special for about eight hours of your life, and then you're just like everyone else.........





Uncared for...............................

Just another piece of lousy dirt that gets sent into the trashcan afterwards because no one is willing to love you. They are willing to fake their feelings for you, but they will never truly love you. The tears stream down my face, I feel like I've been abandoned on Mars right now. Everything was absolutely perfect and now she's screwed up the whole system. We were meant to be together. She's throwing this all off balance now because she thinks that I meant to break her heart.

"Liz I never meant to stand you up-" I whimper as I desperately try to get her to show me even the slightest bit of compassion.

"Oh save it-"

"Liz Harry would never do anything that low. He had to stay back-" Louis tries to explain.

"Well then why didn't you tell me any of this sooner?!?" She snaps.

Louis looks lost for words right now. I mean Liz is really sensitive right now so anything you say could possibly upset her so you have to be really wise with your word choice. He nervously looks around, desperate to not make eye contact while trying to think of the right words to say without having her take it the wrong way because knowing Liz, she'll try to ask you constant questions that you honestly just don't have the answers to and when you can't think of an answer, she thinks that you're lying.

"Because," Louis pauses to think of an excuse, but sadly none come to his mind, "I don't know........I just didn't know what to say when I saw you in tears when I walked through the front door. I became lost for words because you just seemed so..........."

"Fragile. I know. You don't have to deny it. I already know. It's nothing new to me," she mumbles, her arms crossed and her eyes locked on the ground.

Louis remains silent, letting Liz know that that was exactly what he was gonna say, he just didn't wanna say it, fearing that she'd burst into tears once more. I slowly take a few steps over to her, attempting to wrap my arms around her in a hug, but she just walks away, knowing my plan to soften her up so she comes back to me. I need her in my life. It's as though she's a drug and I've become addicted to her. She's hurt............and she has every right to be...........I probably could've used someone's phone, most likely Scotty's, and then use it to call Liz to let her know that I was running late.

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