Chapter 56-Listen To Zayn

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*1 Week Later*

In a week's time, Harry has recovered and has been discharged from the hospital. Since then, he's been at home in bed all day, taking things easy. I mean if I were him and I had a heart attack, the last thing I'd want to do is get out of bed and walk around. As I'm in the process of picking out an episode of Glee to watch, I'm interrupted by the sound of knocking when I realize it's Liam at my door.

"Hey," he greets.

I quickly flick off the Wii and TV and sit back down on my bed to give Liam my attention. He just looks at me and then sighs, looking frustrated.

"Something wrong?" I ask.

"I don't know if I'm ready for this........" Liam mumbles.

"Ready for what?"

"To be a dad. I'm going on tour in less than two weeks and Danielle's pregnant. What if I'm gone when she goes into labor? What if I can't be there when my son or daughter is born? What if-"

"Liam," I interrupt, "stop thinking what if and look at what is going on around you. Danielle will be fine. El and I are gonna be here to take care of her. I'd say Perrie but she doesn't seem to give a damn about anything."

"I don't know if I'm ready to responsible for another human's life though......."

"You help me take care of Dylan and Daisy. I'm sure you're going to be a great dad. And I'm sure that your son or daughter is going to be proud to say that they have you as a dad and that you're the best dad in the world."

"That's really nice of you to say," he blushes.

"LIIIIAAAAMMM!!!" I hear Harry call, sounding grumpy, as usual.

"Ugh," he groans, "I gotta go see what he wants."

Before Liam gets his chance to get to his feet while taking his own damn time, I quickly spring to mine.

"I can go see him for you-"

"No you don't have to-"

"I want to. I wanna see how he's doing. Just because I broke up with him doesn't mean that I don't still care about him," I state before marching out of my room into the hallway.

I swing a right, walking down the hallway towards Harry's room. As I'm walking, I hear the sound of a door open from behind me when suddenly I feel a hand cover my mouth and quickly pull me back inside. I try to scream but it's muffled. I get thrown on the bed when I suddenly see his silhouette hovering over me, feeling powerful and in control. 

He gently presses his lips to mine, silencing me once more. I reach over and flick on the light switch, revealing Zayn straddling my waist.

"Hi," he smiles.

"Get off!" I groan as I try to get up, but he only pushes me back down.

"I wanna make it up to you-"

"Make what up to me-"

"Be with me," he begs.

"Hell no!" I yell when he suddenly shifts his position, giving me the opportunity to get out.

"I don't think so," he quickly growls before sprinting in front of me, revealing a knife.

He pushes me up against his closet door, holding the knife directly at my neck.

"One screw up and you're dead," he mutters while glaring at me directly in the eye.

I gulp, feeling scared and hopeless. This man was threatening me. I have no choice.

"Z-Zayn you're better than this. Don't go down that road again-"

"You think I'm the only one that's getting back on that road?" He smirks, "stupid girl."

"I heard that," I state.

"You were supposed to."

He gently places his lips on mine once more, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes still lingering in the atmosphere around him. I stop kissing him but he keeps his lips pressed to mine, clearly enjoying the pleasure of touching me. He reaches his hand over to pull a stand of hair out of my face. I flinch at his touch, considering he still has a knife in his hand that he can still hit me with at any moment.

"I want to see Harry," I whisper, "I have to go."

Zayn looks at me, but then slowly backs up, giving me room to get out. I open the door, feeling as though there's some sort of catch with this.

"Harry never had a heart attack. He's never changed," Zayn suddenly states, causing me to stop dead in my tracks.

Yup. There's the catch.

"What do you mean?" I ask, turning around to face him.

"He faked it so he could get out of prison free. He's back, but he's out for blood.........and a certain girl......."

"Harry's not like that."

"Fine. Don't believe me. Find out for yourself. You've been played, betrayed. You're still nothing but a sex slave in his eyes. Why do you think he was always so protective of you?"

"Because he cared about me-"

"HA! Yeah, right. You keep telling yourself that. But the sooner you wrap your head around all this, the better," he mumbles before slamming the door in my face.

So that's it.........

All the 'I love you's' were all fake...........

I'm still nothing but a worthless slave in his eyes..........

But I can't be. No, I don't believe it. That's a lie. Wouldn't Dani and El know this? I mean, she stayed for Danielle. And because of the kids you think they'd kill them like Louis did to Bree Ann.

Since when the hell should I ever believe anything that Zayn tells me?!?

Trapped 5: Happily Ever After *Sequel To Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life*Where stories live. Discover now