day sixty-five

22 4 1

Date: 13-05-2015

Breaking the Ice

It's funny when I think about it
How long I've watched you
Admired you from a distance and never quite found the right time to say

My mind makes a joke of my heart
When I fail each day to say the words to start
Or the possibility of us
There's so much there; an infinite fantasy
Hanging at the end of just one word
That I've dreamt of saying to you
Ever since that rainy day you walked into the cafe
And I hinged my hopes on forever
While I continued living in a 'never'.

Because you don't see me with your dazzling brown eyes
Of water passing through the rocks
You don't turn your raven-haired beauty my way
Or smile at me when I smile at you
But I see you
I know you
A little now, more tomorrow.

Cause one day
I'll see you walking
And one day
I'll break the ice
With one simple word to start us
With one word
To find my way into your heart


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