day twenty-one

29 6 1

Date: 21-01-2016

Please Love Me (For Me)

When I come to bed at night,
My body aches.
In ways it shouldn't.
In ways I know are wrong.
I can still feel the touch of fingers
Like drops of black rain
Pressing into my tender skin, sinking,
Coloring me a sinner to the world.

The scars I see, are the ones they don't
By men, who think they own me
And women who sell me for they've grown me
My body's for their pleasure
My body, no longer my treasure

Sometimes, my heart aches too
With a pain that runs deeper
Cutting to the core
It stains my soul.

For will someone truly love -
A worthless being like me?
Whose body has been shared by too many
Whose heart has been shattered too young

I long for love
I long for love of a man, a woman, a person
To touch my heart
To hold it
Feel it thrumming in their hands
And promise me sanity.

Can anyone save me?
From this eternal damnation.
For I cannot take much more,
My body, soul and mind.

Please love me.
For me.

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