Chapter 8 : Is it Official?

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Eliza POV

After Chris  left last night which was around 1am , I actually was able to go to sleep alone without him or any nightmares In fact. I had a good ass dream well was cute but im sure it would never happen, it was me and Chris and we was more than friends ; I don’t have time to go into details. Knowing that will never happen but people say otherwise ; im not doing nothing if it happens it does I’m not gonna reject him or nothing because I truly have feelings for him but I also dislike breezy like what? And the hoes! Oh lord please please please! don’t get me started with them! Like they somehow get my number and try to start shit.

Cause clearly your so called “Bae , boo , hubby , baby, baby daddy , fuck buddy , lover , husband,” whatever you want to call him don’t even know your name ; you number in his phone is under hoe then # whatever you are. How he yo bae? Me and Chris be rolling when they text him. I laughed at my inner ratchetness . I was feeling pretty good today for once. I got up and jumped in the shower, washed my body and hair I exam myself ; all the bruises I once had fade away thanks to a prescription crème my doctor gave me. I also seen I gotten thicker , probably eating and laying down caused it . It went straight to my ass.

I didn’t complain.

Getting out of the shower I wrapped a towel around my chest which stopped at the beginning of my thigh. I was jamming my favorite song by Bruno mars. “Treasure! that’s is what you are!” I sung along walking into my bedroom humming the melodies then I heard a chuckle I opened my eyes to Chris just chilling on my bed. I swear his yellow ass always in my room when I not expecting him at the most.

I clenched my towel tighter which hid the real parts of my body.  “Chris why are you in my room?” I looked at my clock which sat next to my bed ; “Its noon”

“were going somewhere, you wearing that?” he smirked ; I shot a look at him “Do you really think im going somewhere with a towel on?”

“You look sexy in it I don’t see a problem” he said ; his words was slightly turning me on. “Plus CJ like it too”  he added.

I laughed “Umm that’s nice to know please limit your talk about “CJ” to a maximum of zero I don’t want to know what your dick likes or whatever just stop!” I couldn’t stop laughing. “Just get out so I can get dress”

“can I watch?”

My cheeks heated up. Is he trying to flirt with me sexually flirt with me? “No you can not , you can get out though.” he walked out of my room like a lost puppy. “Aint nobody want to see your hairy pussy anyway!” he yelled. He is sooo lucky I had a towel on and my parents wasn’t home.

“And nobody want to see your small ass dick!” I said back locking my door ; im making sure his ass don’t get back inside. Going towards my closet I pulled out some boy shorts and a bra out of my drawer “OH YEAH BRING A SWIMSUIT! A BINKI WILL BE NICE!” Chris yelled through the door.

“Why? So you can eye rape me harder than usual?” I chuckled

“Maybe? But naw we going swimming! Yo ass can swim right? What am I kidding that ass of yours gonna make you float to the top!” I heard him laughing.

“Yes I can swim and quiet talking about my ass!”

“ight but will you hurry the fuck up?”

“Be patient!”

Throwing my under garments into a beach bag and putting on my swimsuit on instead ; I put some tight studded jean shorts and a see through crop shirt. Throwing some extra clothes in the bag I grabbed my phone , house keys and a towel. “alright Chris im done!” I said opening my door and closing it back.

“Fin-” he got out before starring at me .

“Quit eye raping me!” I punched his chest lightly.

“its not rape if you like it!” he winked before leading the way to the car.  I blushed a little.

This is the first time Im actually out of the house and I felt amazing I don’t know what I was thinking my damn self because it was harmless. Getting to the beach , I bolted out of the car directly towards the water stripping out of my shorts and crop top so I just had on my bikini I dived right into the water. I haven been swimming in so long. And that’s odd for me because I love water and swimming. Coming back from under , Chris gripped my waist throwing me over his shoulder and walked out of the water.

“Why you do that??” I pouted.

“I have a surprise for you”


“Just shut up im not kidnapping you” he said, I did what I was told I trusted Chris hopefully he’s not doing anything dumb … what felt like eternity he finally put me down. Before spinning my body around somebody tackled me taking me straight to the sand. Literally.

“I MISSED YOU SO MUCH” Charlie yelled pinning me to the ground, I started laughing “I miss you too boo”.  I guess she didn’t know why I was actually out , I never told her . I guess her mother didn’t say anything because I know ms. Roz watches the news 24/7.  Charlie helped me off the ground , I seen Chris friends here as well ; when he introduce me to them we clicked instantly we just didn’t talk like we was besties. After catching up with each other we all went straight for the water well Chris picked me up and threw me into the water ; we almost got lost in the moment and kissed but somebody decided to interrupt.
Not saying no names.. *cough cough* Mijo..

“SO you and Chris together?” Heather asked me  making Seiko , Chyna , and Charlie stare at me.

“No we are not together what makes you think that?”

“Girl don’t act like nobody didn’t see you two almost kiss. Always flirting ; eye rapping each other its pretty obvious you two like each other”

“No scratch that L.O.V.E each other” Chyna corrected.

I blushed “Well we aren’t together!” I confessed.

“By the end of day/night I bet 20 dollars they going to be fucking official! Having those little cute matching hoodles and shit.” Seiko be fright in front of me.

“BET” they all said in union.

“Why are yall betting if me and Chris get together.. Hey im not complaining im just saying..”

“Eliza that nigga always at your fucking house or your at his! Fucking cuddling and shit what’s all that about then?”  Charlie said

“You acting like we fucking. He keeps me company were friends!” I laughed.

“Not for longgggg!”

“Hmm, how do we know if he haven’t dick you down with CJ?”

“He hasn’t!”

Chris POV

“Nigga did you make that shit official yet?” Tyga asked.

“Official?” Mijo ass asked. I swear this nigga was so fucking clueless at times.. All the time.

“Him and Eliza”

“Ohh you finally cuffing the baddie?”

“Hopefully” I said shrugging my shoulders.. I knew damn well I wanted her , I just don’t know how shell react if I ask after everything that has happened. “aye my nigga ; you need to do that before the party so you have hoes in check so they know you clearly have a girl.” tyga said. He was right ,  hoes just cant get enough of breezy but if I had her they would leave alone because Eliza and all I need right now.. Hopefully for a long time.. I truly don’t give one fuck about her past , I care about her and our future together.. If that happens. She’s different I just wanted her.

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