Love Kills

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Sigh. "He's so perfect~." A distinctive make voice sighed out lovingly. The person from which the sigh came from was a teenage male of 16 years of age. The male has honey blond hair and heterochromatic eyes, one of which is blue and the other is brown, he had a lanky figure and was tall for his age. He wore glasses with lens similar to that of 3D glasses and braces. His skin was pale from being inside all day, and he wore somewhat dark clothing.

His gaze was upon a picture. Not just any picture, but a picture with a boy who appeared to be around his age. In the picture, the boy had brown hair with a purple streak in it, black framed glasses, fair skin with freckles splattered upon his skin, and a smile as bright as the sun. His attire consisted of a purple dress shirt, black dress pants, and shiny black loafers. The boy in the picture was surrounded by a heart and words of love.

The boy in the picture was named Eridan Ampora, and the boy who seemed to be obsessed with him was called Sollux Captor. For as long he could remember, Sollux always had a crush on Eridan. The crush was borderline obsession, because of how many pictures and items Sollux had that were about Eridan.

Right now, Sollux was going through a lot of pictures of Eridan. He sighed lovingly at all the pictures.

"Such perfection... if only he could be mine..." Sollux whined forlornly. Sollux had a farm secret, however. Sollux is so obsessed with Eridan, that whoever shows the slightest affection to him, would always mysteriously disappear the day after. Nobody knew it was Sollux who did these crimes, mostly because he never left behind any evidence.

"Ahh~... killing Feferi wath a thame, but I don't want anyone to take Eridan from me. Oh well, it'th not tho much a big loth." He said cheerfully.

Sollux would always kill his victims in the most brutal matter. First, would come blackmail. If Sollux had any embarrassing information about you he would spread it. Second, he would fake comfort you and sympathize with you in order for you to let your guard down. Third, is that if you were alone with him, he'd drug you so that you won't be able to resist him as he took you to a secluded area. Fourth, once the drug wore off, then he'd start his "fun", he'd torture you in horrendous ways, then mock you, then he'd say, "You shouldn't have tried to take what's mine." Then after he was bored with his "fun", then and only then would you be granted the sweet embrace of death.

Sollux hummed as he took out a souvenir of his last victim. He took out some teeth and tossed them up and down in his hand. Slowly, he started chuckling, then as the sounds grew louder he began to giggle, then steadily it grew to maniacal laughter.

"fufufufFuFuFUFUFUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!" Sollux cackled. He kept laughing until he calmed down.

"Kukuku~, nobody will ever take you away from me. You'll be mine forever, E-ri-dan~."

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