Level Up!

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-xXP2iioniicHackerXx logs on-

Solluxander, call him Sollux, Captor had logged on to his favorite game of all time, World of Sgrub, in order to meet his friend (and secret crush), AquariusWWarlock, and do some quests with him. Speaking of Sollux's crush, he's already logged on.

xXP2iioniicHackerXx: Took you long enough.

AquariusWWarlock: Oh hush. I had homewwork to do. Anywway, wwhat quest are wwe doing today.

xXP2iioniicHackerXx: Meh, ju2t piick whatever'2 available II gue22.

AquariusWWarlock: Sounds good to me. ^^

So the two gamers did whatever quest they could find, ranging from destroying an Orc nest, slay a dragon, help a civilian, etc. They enjoyed their time together, but all things must come to an end.

AquariusWWarlock: Shit, I gotta log off.

xXP2iioniicHackerXx: Aww 2hiit 2eriiou2ly? That 2uck2. :(

AquariusWWarlock: Yeah, guess I'll see you tomorroww..

xXP2iioniicHackerXx: 2ee ya...

-AquariusWWarlock logs off-

Sollux sighed in longing sadness, before he too logged off. If only he could go see AquariusWWarlock in real life, but he quickly perished the thought. He doubted that he would ever get to see his crush, but he still longed to meet him. With thoughts of meeting his crush on his mind, Sollux quickly went to sleep.

-A Week Later-

Sollux was strolling through the town, not really doing anything. It was a school break, so he decided to walk through town and see if there was anything interesting for him to do.

'Wonder what I should do? School's out, Mituna is hanging out with Latula, and dad is at work. Not to mention KK's family is on vacation, so I can't visit him. Maybe I should just go to GameStop. Yeah, they might have some new games that could relieve my boredom.' And with that Sollux was headed on over to GameStop, not knowing what was on store for him when he got there.

When Sollux arrived at GameStop, he browsed through all the games that seemed interesting, played on the consoles that were showing off a couple of games, and conversed with some various gamers.

He heard the bell ring, signifying that someone had entered the building. He glanced up for a moment and took a look at the newcomer. He had fluffy brown hair with a purple streak in the middle, dark blue eyes that could be easily mistaken as purple in different light, a dark purple shirt with the Aquarius symbol as a design, black skinny jeans, and blue converses. He seemed like the person that would stand out in a crowd.

Three teenage boy walked in and came to the section where Sollux was standing and began browsing through the games as well. Sollux discreetly kept checking him out, until the other male chuckled and looked straight at him.

"Are you going to keep starin'? If so, please be more discreet about it." The nameless male teased lightly. Sollux blushed and grinned guiltily.

"Heh, thorry. Jutht curiouth ath to the game you were looking at."

"It's Fire Emblem: Fates. A friend recommended it to me."

"Ah, I heard it wath a good game. Though it probably ithn't ath good ath World of Sgrub, that game can't be beat." Sollux gushed as he talked about his favorite game.

"WWell no duh. It's only like the best game in the world, of course it can't be beat." The other male replied agreeing.

"You play too? Thweet, what'th your uthername?" Sollux inquired in an excited manner, because anyone who plays World of Sgrub was cool in his books.

"My username is AquariusWWarlock." The other boy answered honestly.

The moment those words came out of the boy's mouth, Sollux froze. It couldn't be. Was he actually meeting his crush in real life? Was he dreaming?

"Oh my god, I can't believe I'm actually meeting you!" Sollux couldn't help but to gush out.

"Er, wwhat?"

"It'th me, xXP2iioniicHackerXx!"

The other male's eyes widened as a wide grin appeared on his face.

"I can't believe it! It's really you! Oh wwhere are my manners? My name is, Eridan Ampora. And may I havve your name?" Eridan smiled charmingly.

"The name'th Tholluxander Captor, but everyone callth me Thollux." Sollux held out his hand for Eridan to shake, trying not to blush at how soft Eridan's hand felt.

"Hey, howw about wwe go hang out elsewwhere, and get to knoww each other better than online." Eridan offered with a grin on his face.

Sollux couldn't believe his luck when Eridan offered, but hey, v who was he to reject a once in a lifetime opportunity?

"Thure." And the two of them walked out of GameStop. Who would've thought that months later that they hooked up?

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