Can't Wait For You To Come Home

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It's been 1 year and six months since I last saw my husband. He's been deployed once more in the army and won't be able to make it for Christmas this year. The kids were devastated when they realized Daddy wasn't coming home.

Each day is the same, but in the back of my mind there's a little voice whispering to me, 'What if he never comes back home?' That voice plagues me at night in my sleep as I dream up various death scenes which include my husband dying horribly. The worst one was me watching him being tortured painfully.

They hammered nails into his fingers and toes, they cut off bits of his ears and nose, poured acid into his wounds, cut out his tongue, gouged out his eyes with a spoon, until he finally died. I woke up being after witnessing that, praying it wasn't true.

I kept listening for information as to see who died during their deployment, and I was relieved knowing he wasn't apart of the list. I prayed to whoever was out there to please let my husband return home safely.

It felt like forever until Christmas day arrived. The kids were unwrapping presents and I watched them with a smile on my face at their eagerness. As they tore through their fifth gift, I heard the doorbell ring.

Curious, I tried looking out the window, but I couldn't see them clearly so I slowly opened the door and almost cried.

There he was, my dear husband, Eridan Ampora, wearing his military uniform, holding his bags and looked at me with a small smile.

"Wwell, aren't you going to let me in?" Were the first words out of his mouth as I tackled him to the ground smothering him with kisses. I told him that he should never stay away for so long ever again and that I missed him.

He kept me in his embrace, whispering reassurances in my ears and it wasn't long before the kids realized Daddy was home. They jumped into his arms and cuddled and clung onto him like koalas. All four of us walked back inside to bond on the sofa.

So as I sat here with my family, I thanked God for bringing my husband back home and also fixing this family.

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