Apologies and Invasions.

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Storm's POV

"No boyfriend today, huh?"

A small smile graces my face as I think about the last time we Skyped the night Ashton had sneaked his way into my room and joined in.

"No, not today. Ash is out with the boys. I think a few of the one direction guys are here but I haven't seen anybody for about an hour." I reply.

Ry makes a sad face before laughing gently. "That's a shame; I was quite excited to talk to him about your little meet-ups." He teases. I smile softly before leaning my head back. "What's the matter? Your never this quiet usually, something is on your mind."

"It's nothing...just thinking," I mumble, turning my head to face the laptop that is next to me. "Am I making the right decision with Ashton? I just feel like maybe this is going too fast to be real."

He looks thoughtful for a second. "Have you talked to him about this? Maybe he will be able to, I don't know; talk it through better with you."

"What am I meant to say? Walk up to him and be like, oh hey Ash I feel like this is moving too fast so can you just back off a bit so I can catch up..." I say, my voice showing the internal conflict I am having. "I can't do that to him" I mumble.

When I look back to the screen, Ry is no longer looking towards me but at something behind me.

"If that's what you want then...fine."

A voice makes me turn slowly to be met with Ashton leaning on the doorframe, refusing to meet my gaze. Just as I go to speak up, he moves out of the doorway before disappearing back down the corridor, I sigh looking down at my lap.

"I've really done it now...could it get any worse?" I sadly mumble.

"We'll be flying out tomorrow, when we get there we will figure something out, I promise." He sends me a sad smile knowing how bad I feel right now, I didn't mean for Ash to hear it especially with how mean it sounded.

"Whatever you say, listen I'm just going to go..." I trail off.

"Sure...don't do anything stupid Storm, we will be there soon and I know that Blaine is going to do one of his checks so please don't do it...Stay with someone tonight if it gets bad...please" He pleads.

I nod in reply to his pleading though I wasn't really listening so I can't be sure exactly what or which part I am agreeing to. He sighs but reluctantly ends the call and signs off to get ready to fly out tomorrow morning.

"Hey umm Storm, we have a show tonight and Michael wanted to know if you're coming..." An Irish accent pulls me from my thoughts, looking over I see Niall.

"I think its best that I stay here... something came up and I don't think my being there tonight would help much, it would probably make it worse if anything..." I reply quietly as I shift to lie facing the other way.

Niall sighs before I hear him enter the room and shut the door before a weight lands on the bed behind me and a hand rubs my arm.

"I heard what happened and if you want honesty then I don't really blame him for reacting the way he did but maybe walking away so quickly wasn't his best decision." He says quietly.

"I deserve it" I mumble in return, blaming myself is something I am used to so it is my natural defence mechanism.

"No one deserves pain...you're both hurt and even someone who barely knows you two like me can tell that. Neither of you should blame yourselves but you should talk about it." He says before patting my arm gently. "I'll tell Michael that you're not feeling well but I can't guarantee that he will believe me for long." He laughs at the end.

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