Fix it.

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Storm's POV

It's been a few days now and neither me nor Ashton has mentioned the kiss. To be honest the boys are working pretty hard with shows, interviews and a twitcam the other day that any free time is spent sleeping, the one direction boys in almost the exact predicament. Paul has let up a bit considering there is literally no danger of anything happening when everyone is dead to the world and only me and him are awake. I talked to the group back home last night and updated them properly on what's been going on - leaving some details out of course.

Today, everyone is moving onto the busses - you can tell I'm so excited cant you, not. I don't mind spending time with the boys but it's a limited space, confined in every sense of the word and I'm the only girl, there is bound to be a few mishaps and awkward moments and we haven't even got there yet.

I packed everything away last night so I got to sleep longer this morning, the boys weren't thinking so smart so they were still running from room to room grabbing their belongings even by the time I woke up which was 10 minutes until we had to leave - although what was I expecting?

At 9am Paul, literally, marched all 10 of us through the hotel to the lobby where we were all rounded up and split into groups to get us through the crowd of fans outside. Unfortunately, Paul kept a tight grip on my arm the whole way through the crowd so I couldn't wander very far. The 5sos boys were with me, Michael and Calum finding this hilarious while Luke still looks half asleep, I don't blame him since he stayed up late with me when I was packing last night even though I told him not to.

As soon as the door of the bus is in sight, I wriggle my way out of Paul's grip and rush in, running through the bus to the bunk area and curling up in one of them, preventing the boys from using this one. I am laying on it, it's mine - my rules if you didn't already figure it out, they don't work for everything but for the most part its fine.

"I see what you were doing." Michael mumbles once he sees me sprawled over one of the bunks. I smile before dumping my bag in the bunk, grabbing my phone and wandering into backroom to avoid the squabble over bunks that is imminent.

I put my headphones in, playing All Time Low's Future Hearts album as I lay back with my eyes closed. I faintly heard the other boys come in around 10 minutes later; I'm guessing they weren't as fussed about where they are sleeping as I thought they would be. I pause the music as I listen to them talk amongst themselves.

"Is she really asleep?" I hear someone mumble as another pokes my leg, I stay still deciding to trick them and see what they talk about when I can't hear them - don't judge me, I'm weird so deal with it.

"Seems like it." Another person mumbles back.

"Do you think what that Blaine kid is true?" I think Calum asked.

"That Blaine kid is my nephew and all I know is that the whole group have had struggles and Storm has helped them all the get better, even when she was struggling herself." Guessing by the deepness of the voice and how they talk about Blaine, its Paul that speaks.

"I feel useless, the sister I left behind smiled a lot and didn't care what others thought, but the sister I came home to is quiet and panics quickly. Truthfully the only time I have seen a proper smile from her was yesterday when Niall smiled and she did it back. I miss my Storm." Michael mumbles from next to me.

"Your Storm is still there; don't talk about her in the past. People change Michael and if she has to accept the changes we have made then we accept what she had done. If we can change, why can't she? When we left your sister was barely 16, that was a while ago Michael and things change quickly where we come from." Calum argues back.

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