I couldn't live with myself...

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Ashton's POV

I turn the kid around.

"You mean all of that was...."I ask in disbelief.

"I love her but not like that. She's like a little sister to me. She was the first person I told about my sexuality and she tells me a lot of the stuff that nobody else knows. You guys are affectionate when joking around with each other but for us and our group it's different. We're a family and stand by each other no matter what; we're affectionate because we want to show them that we care. Please don't take that away." As he speaks the others in the group climb down the ramp and huddle round Storm. The kid, Zeke, slowly walks over and stands by her.

Michael looks at each of us before turning around guiltily. "Any chance we can start again? I'm sorry that we got off on the wrong foot but I haven't seen my sister in so long and seeing her so close with a guy none of us know... it's hard."

Storm's POV

Although I feel bad about Michael's evident guilt, he did bring this on himself by assuming things without knowing anything about the situation and jumping to conclusions. I feel movement behind me and look round as Blaine moves in front of all of us, even though Alexis hasn't been here long she already fits in well as she grabs my hand.

"In order for us to start again, what do you have to offer?" He asks, standing to his full height, almost as tall as Luke.

The boys look at each other bewildered for a second before Luke meets my eye and nods softly, and then stepping forward. "I know we just met, but if you're up for it you may come back with us to our house where we can talk through this properly. It's not much to offer but it gives us the chance to set things straight." He speaks up, trying to diffuse the situation. He holds his hand out in invitation to Blaine to shake on the deal and looks like his holding his breath.

Slowly I step forward away from the hands of Ry, Zeke and Alexis and place my hand carefully on Blaine's bicep. He looks down, meeting my eye, silently asking me what I wanted to do. I lean my head on his shoulder and nod softly. I hear him take a breath before, "Fine. Don't mess this up." He agrees, shaking Luke hands before motioning the rest forward.

"We won't." Luke replies, sighing in relief now that that situation is over.


The boys walk ahead of us talking amongst themselves about who knows what. Blaine, Zeke and Ry are not far behind them but still acting as a divider between me and the boys. Alexis hangs back with me, walking in silence for most of the time so far.

"Your brothers sure are protective of you." She mumbles quietly.

"Only one of them is my brother. The rest are his friends." I reply.

"Oh, I'm sorry. The way they all seem so protective of you I just assumed... although if that was true I guess I should have considered Ry, Zeke and Blaine. They are just as bad." She apologizes, the ending making me giggle. My laughing causes Zeke to look back and smile softly before turning to face forward again as we reach our driveway and enter the house.

After taking off our coats and shoes, Ry and Zeke putting their boards by the door, we travel into the living room getting comfortable for our talk. Ry and Zeke sit either side of Alexis and me as Blaine sits on the floor directly in front, and the boys spread out on various seats.

Calum speaks up first once we're all settled. "So why don't we start off with some simple questions before we go into details. So, how old are you guys?"

Blaine answers for everyone, something that happens quite a lot. "I'm 19, Ryder, Zeke and Alexis are 18 and I'm sure you know your sister's age."

"Makes sense that you're the oldest." Michael concludes. "Well if we're going in age order, Ashton is 19, me and Calum are 18 and Luke is 17."

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