Truth or Dare?

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Storm's POV

After an hour or two we all got bored of sitting around the house, but Michael, being the genius that my brother is decided to play a game of truth or dare. I don't mind the game but I have seen the aftermath of this game before and it's not always pretty, let's just hope the boys can control their wacky minds enough to keep things PG today....a girl can hope at least.

"Alright, let's do this, nothing to weird or inappropriate as my sister is playing too and I think we have had enough awkward situations to last a lifetime. Now, who wants to start?" Michael asks, rolling his eyes when nobody volunteers, "Ok, I'll start then."

He thinks for a few seconds looking at all of us as he thinks.

"Lucas, my dear buddy. Truth or dare?" He announces.

Luke plays with his lip ring before hesitantly answering, "Truth..."

"I'm going to start of easy. Have you ever got yourself off with one of us in the room?" Michael smirks, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He is not sorry for the torture he is inflicting.

Luke stays quiet for a second before nodding softly, cheeks almost as red as they were this morning, which just fuels Mikey's laughter. I roll my eyes at my brother's immaturity, "Your turn Luke." I announce.

"A-Ashton, truth or dare?" Luke stutters out, still blushing.

"Truth." Ash answers almost immediately, eyeing Luke warily.

"Wimp." Michael mumbles, as Ashton glares at him before flipping him off and turning back to Luke.

"Umm....How did you know how to help Storm the other day?" Luke asks, looking proud for coming up with a good question. Calum and Michael instantly quiet down listening to what Ashton has to say.

" didn't..." Ash admits.

"What?" Michael says in disbelief.

"I didn't know how to help her. I just did what I thought was right in the moment. I couldn't sit back and watch her hurting, I heard about how singing can help for some people and I hoped she was one of them..." He trailed off.

"I tried singing to her before. I didn't work then but as soon as you do it suddenly it works." Michael says confused.

"I don't know Michael, I really don' can we just move on?" Ash pleads, receiving a nod from almost everyone. "Ok, Calum. Truth or dare?"

"Dare, obviously." Calum states.

"I dare you to wear a pair of Storms underwear for the rest of the day." Ashton states.

"What?" Me and Calum shout in unison.

"Why me? I don't want his junk in a pair of my pants, thank you very much." I say disgustedly.

"She's way smaller than me, are you trying to put me out of action?" Calum asks, exaggerating more than a little.

"A dares a dare. Sorry brother but it looks like you're going to have to suffer for the day. Be happy it's just a day, it could be worse." Michael tries to reassure his friend while looking a little smug that he doesn't have to suffer.

I get up begrudgingly, grabbing the required garment from my dresser and throwing them into Calum's face when I sat back down in the circle downstairs.

"Ew. Was that necessary?" He asks.

"Yes, now go do whatever you have to do." I grumble. We wait until he gets back before we continue. For a while I watch the game unfold, each time the dares getting weirder and the truths getting more intimate. Now and again Calum will complain about the underwear but he is ignored as the game goes on, finally I get picked.

"Storm. Truth or dare?" Luke asks.

"Ummm.... truth. I don't trust any of you." I state.

"Ok. Have you ever crushed on any of us?" He asks, before adding, "Except Michael unless your into incest."

"Of course someone would ask that." Michael grumbles.

"Yes, but I also respect that your Michaels friends and that if anything went wrong Michel would have to pick sides so I would never act on it." I state confidently.

Calum raises an eyebrow before turning to Michael, "You even have your sister brainwashed. C'mon that sounded more like a rule that has been drummed into her head than her actual opinion."

I speak up before Michael can, "So maybe he has told me you're off limits but I also respect my brother a lot more than I let on and I would never do that to him. But i also know for a fact that Michael has told you three the exact same thing about how I'm off limits I don't think I should be the only one being judged right now when I know that at least 2 of you have liked me in the past. I cannot speak for the third as their interest lie elsewhere but who am I to judge, eh?" I finish my little rant before getting up and walking off, leaving the boys in complete silence.


Hey guys!

So nobody attempted my question..fine. So my age is still a mystery. Any ways, i was writing a bit today and decided to just put it up so i dont forget later on.

See ya next time!


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