16. Apocalypse

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[I apologize to @GoldenMoon11
I completely butchered your character in the last chapter.]

[Me: *Sees how late I am with this part.*
Me: oh shit



Why is there more and more Starkens coming?!

I barely left the town and I already killed a sea of them. They're like am army! What is happening?!

I sliced through yet another one with my long, sharp claws. I jumped over one swiftly and cut its head of its body.

I glanced around me; there was three more. I ran towards one on the left and halfway to it I started running to the one on the right. When they both were chasing me I ran into the middle of them, I quickly crouched down when they were about to hit me, making them both hit each other. I jump back up and go towards the last one. I easily sneak up on it and cut it.

I wipe my forehead. What is happening? There were never so much Starkens in one area!

I make my claws ho back into my hands, then I put my wrist up and turn on the transceiver. Which because my phone is off I need to use. The Transceiver is my last resort. After all, it's really slow..

I click a few buttons and call Katz. Which itself take ages before actually calling him.

Eventually he picks up.

"Hey, what's up?" I hear his voice.

"Hey Katz. Listen I have a slight problem here."

"What's wrong?"

"Starken activity is going wild here. I just killed about 30 of them in the last hour or so. "

"Where are you?"

"In between The Hall and JusticeVille."

"Okay got it, ill be right there."

"Ok see ya then" I answer and turned off the call.

I look around once again, making sure the coast is clear. It is, but there will be more I feel like it.

I look up at the sky and my eyes widen.

The sun is falling down.

Wait no, Not the Sun, but something that is atleast a half of the size of the sun and looks like it is falling down.

I shakily raise my wrist up to mouth.

"H-Hey Katz" I stutter my eyes still fixated on the falling thing.

"What? Why are you stuttering?"

"Come faster please, we have a bigger problem then the Starkens."

Luckily, the big ball of fire was moving on an incredible slow speed.

I was still frozen in place, I'd tge apocalypse happening? I never read or heard about this a huge fire ball falling from the sky.

I look away from it, ill go blond if I watch it to long. Why is it moving so slowly?


I suddenly feel a huge impact and pain on my back. Out of instinct I grow my claws and tried to stab it. I fail alot. I fall on the ground in pain as the thing is still stabbing my back with it claws.

I spin across the ground trying shake it off. Finally it loses it grump on me and falls off. I kneel up and look at it.

My eyes widen as I see it. Another Starken but it's small as a child zombie and just as fast.

I grimace and shudder as I see how it looks undamaged.


It makes a horrible sound. It raises itself up and starts running at me at incredible speed.

I can't do anything the next thing I know it's infront of me, bearing it teeth ready kill me.


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