Chapter 66

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The game had started and the sky was getting more dark as the minute passed by. Even though the players were trying to play well, it was difficult to do so as the wind kept them staggering. But the Gryffindor's were playing quite well compared to the Hufflepuff, they were 50 points in lead. We all were cheering but it was not audible over the heavy rain and wind.

With the first flash of lightning came the sound of Madam Hooch's whistle. I saw the Gryffindor team going under a big umbrella, they had called out for a time out. Even though we all had umbrellas but it kept swerving from above our head, making us wet in this already cold and rainy weather.

After five minutes, the game started once again. There was another clap of thunder, followed immediately by forked lightning. This was getting more and more dangerous. I was wishing the game would end soon so that I could go inside have a mug of hot chocolate.

Suddenly, as if someone was listening a miracle happened, Cedric Diggory, saw the snitch and so did Harry and they started racing towards to catch it first.

One second everyone was cheering and then the other second everything went silent, and I started screaming Harry's name and cursing loudly. Using a wand would be of no use. I saw, at least hundreds of dementors after Harry. My heart was rapidly beating in my rib cage. I was sure if it beats any more faster it will come out of my chest. Harry looked down at them and he suddenly starting falling down. I swore loudly and ran down the stairs and towards the quiddtich field. As soon as I reached their, Dumbledore was their too and he waved his hand and Harry's fall was slowed down and he softly landed on the ground. He was immediately taken to the hospital wing by a stretcher that Dumbledore brought from his wave of wand and carried him towards hospital wing where he was attended by Madam Pomfrey. After she attended him, all the Gryffindor quidditch team, Ron, Hermione and me with the rest of the girls, surrounded his bed.

I was crying, I don't know what has happened to him but it looked very serious and he was also looking very pale. Someone had hugged me from the back and was rubbing my arms gently. Thank the Merlin, Dumbledore was their or I couldn't have reached their on time and slowed Harry from his fall. I wouldn't have forgiven myself he had died.

I was holding Harry's hand and rubbing his knuckles. He was out cold.

I don't after how much of time of waiting, I laid my head down on the space beside Harry and fell into a light slumber.

I was woken up by someone shaking and calling my name. I whined and sat straight and rubbed the sleep from my eyes and opened them to see Harry smiling at me.

"Thank God, you're awake, sweetheart!" I hurled him into a bear hug.

"Need a-air!" Harry wheezed out and I let go off him. I had a sheepish smile on my face.

"You alright?" I asked him.

He nodded, "I'm alright, just that we lost and my Nimbus broke down." I smiled sadly at him. I know how much that Nimbus 2000 meant to him.

"Don't worry, I will buy you a new one!" I said and Harry grinned a little before a frown made on his face. I chatted up with Harry for a few more hours on what his friends filled him in and my opinions on it. We both ate dinner in the hospital wing only after which Poppy had to kick me out because Harry needed rest and so did I.

The next whole week, I visited Harry as much I could between classes and all. I still had my training with Dumbledore and the girls in room of requirement.

Nothing happened, until Sunday. I had gone to meet Harry in the hospital wing. It was late until I realized that all the Gryffindor quiddtch team was their too. I was about to run back from where I came but luck wasn't on my side. I had turned around and was walking towards the entrance when, "Grace!" Harry called out. I closed my eyes and cursed before slowly turning around with a smile.

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