Chapter 5

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I was woken up by Erica who was jumping on everybody's bed and screaming to get our lazy arse up. We all sat up in our bed and glared at the devil who woke up. She looked around and saw the glares she got and blushed but spoke loud and clearly,"What are staring? You know classes starts in two hours and in that time period you four have to get changed and then all have to finish our breakfast." as soon as finished the sentence Jace jumped out of her bed and ran into the bathroom. It was faster then we can say the word Quidditch. My mouth was half open of that speed. Damn the girl knows how to run for her life.

One by one we all got our chance in the bathroom and we all changed into our school uniform and robes (). It took us an hour to get ready. We all headed down towards the Great Hall for breakfast. At entrance I saw Harry walking with Ron towards his house table. I called out for him. He turned around and smiled before saying something to Ron and coming in my direction. I broke away from my group and met Harry halfway.

"Morning, sweetheart" I greeted him.

"Morning" replied Harry.

"Listen, finish your breakfast quickly and meet in the entrance okay? We can take a walk and talk. Good now go, you must be starving."

"Sure" he said and ran away to his table. I was turning around when I stumbled into someone. Whoever it was steadied me. I was about to say thank you and sorry to who ever I ran into but all my manners were lost as soon as I saw his face. A sneer was visible on both our faces. It was none other then the Satan himself a.k.a Fred Weasley.

"I thought this morning would have been wonderful but of course I had to jinx myself!" I said angrily. He laughed! He bloody laughed and said," Trust me I thought the same thing but alas we don't get what we want always now, is it?" I huffed in annoyance and walked back to my table. Nobody said a word because they all saw the little encounter. After few minutes I calmed myself and I joined my other friends with their conversation. And voila! Everything was good again. Snape started distributing our time table. Oh joy! Note my sarcasm. Snape was a nice teacher except the huge amout of oil in his hair and his obsession with wanting to teach Defense Against Dark Arts. Remus had said Snape was a bitter teacher and he and my father along with his best friends were enemies. But he treated the same way he did to all the other Slytherin students.

This year we had to select electives. I compared my time table with my four other friends and saw that we had Potions, DADA, Transfiguration, Charms, Astronomy, History of Magic and Herbology together. I had Divination with Erica, Jace and Belle and Study of Ancient Runes with Belle and Rose . Classes with Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were alright but with Gryffindor's 'AARGGGGGG'. Noo, Gryffindor's were fine but those certain twins. We had Potions, DADA, Transfiguration and Charms with Gryffindors'.

Damn it! Ancient Runes were clashing with Divination and Charms. I think Belle and I have to take extra classes then.


Care of Magical Creatures Care of Magical Creatures(first period)
Divination and Study of Ancient Runes (second period)
Transfiguration (third period)
Potions (fourth period)
Defence Against the Dark Arts (fifth period)

Care of Magical Creatures (morning)
Potions (afternoon)
Astronomy (midnight)
History of Magic (morning)
Herbology (afternoon)

History of Magic (morning)
Herbology (afternoon)

Divination, Muggle Studies and Arithmancy (first period)
Transfiguration (second period)
Potions (third period)
Defence Against the Dark Arts (fourth period)
Care of Magical Creatures (fifth period)

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