Chapter 65

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The school talked of nothing but Sirius Black for the next few days. The theories about how he had entered the castle became wilder and wilder. I, for one was becoming more and more irritated as I heard them. The girls weren't any better than me. After we woke up the next day in the Great hall, Dumbledore had called Belle into his office and had a conversation with her. Whatever they talked, Belle said she was not ready to talk about it to us or will seem so real. We didn't push it further because we had more important things on hand.
As far as the Gryffindor's common room entry is concerned, the Fat Lady's ripped canvas had been taken off the wall and replaced with the portrait of Sir Cadogan and his fat gray pony. Nobody was very happy about this according to Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione. According to them Sir Cadogan spent half his time challenging people to duels, and the rest thinking up ridiculously complicated passwords, which he changed at least twice a day. I couldn't help but pity Gryffindor's for this when no one would agree for the position of Fat Lady.

"Can you believe it?" Harry asked me with wide eyes. We were currently sitting near the Black lake and just talking. Harry was telling me about how his past few days went. We were having our brother-sister bonding time after a hectic week.

"I know, believe me, Belle keeps on complaining about it too as soon as we reach our dorm. She says, usually teachers chased after her now it was the opposite." I said and patted Harry's head. He just swatted my hand away.

"No need to make it any more messier than it already is." He said annoyed.

"Aw, does ickle Harry is trying to impress someone?" I cooed in a baby voice. He laughed and pushed me lightly.

"But seriously, Harry. No need to worry about Sirius's situation right now, concentrate more on your studies and quidditch because after all we Slytherins are gonna kick you Gryffindor's arse!"

"Oh yeah? We will see about it though!" Harry said with a glint in his eyes and I we shook hands confirming our deal.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CANNOT PLAY TOMORROW, DRACO? THE HELL YOU CANNOT? YOU WERE FINE WHEN WE WERE PRACTICING?!" I shouted at Draco. I was breathing heavily. It was Thrusday evening, the day and a half before the official quidditch session started and we were playing against Gryffindors the day after tomorrow and now this bloody git tells me, he cannot play because in the morning he fell out of his bed and injured his already injured arm. I started fuming when he showed me Madam Pomfrey's note to allow him not to play quidditch tomorrow with Snape's signature. Draco had his head bent down and his face red. Of course, he is red, being shouted at common room in front of other student's is not so good.

"Couldn't you have at least informed me first? Now I can't even find a seeker this fast!" I said more calmly and ran my hand through my hair.

"At least you could have told me, Draco." Belle said. After so much of practice and that too when the weather started getting bad and moreover giving being easy on Draco so he doesn't put much strain on his arm, this is what I get?

I groaned and sat down on the couch, "How am I gonna face Gryffindor now? You know hard we trained for this and now.." I hid my face in my hands.

"I am sorry okay! Wood's your boyfriend! He would understand!" Draco said seriously.

"Even I will come with you if you want?" Belle offered but I shook my head. After taking few long breaths to calm myself from smashing Draco's head on the wall or throw him in the Dark forest, I got up.

"This is first and the last time its happening, understood Draco?" I asked him and he nodded his head vigorously.

"Because the next time you pull a stunt like this, I'm gonna be worse than your nightmare." I smiled at him and left the common room to find Oliver. I found him on his way towards the field, he was dressed in his training uniform.

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