Chapter 32

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Third Person's POV:

Every teacher and students were watching Grace in Fred's arm. Grace's friends were dumbfounded at the scene of Fred holding Grace in his arms. George was trying to figure out what was happening but Fred's whole focus was on Grace. Harry was more in tension now. First the petrification of Mrs. Norris and the message and now her sister was in her worst enemy's arms. Hermione and Ron looked confused by the whole situation like every other student present there.

Dumbledore moved forward towards Grace. He seemed to realize something and stretched his hand forward and touched her forehead. He her was burning hot. He mumbled a incarnation and he could see that Grace was now slowly calming down before she fell unconscious. Fred looked at her face then looked at Dumbledore with a scared expression.

"Students written back to your common room. Ms. Black and other staff, please follow me to the hospital wing and Mr. Weasley, please bring Ms. Potter to the hospital wing."

"B-but professor, I want to come too. She is my sister," Harry protested.

"Mr. Potter, it will be advised that you meet your sister after she wakes up and now please go back to your common room." Dumbledore replied calmly. Harry was about to protest again but the staff, Fred and Belle had already left for the hospital wing. Soon the students left the area whispering about the message written on the wall with blood and Grace's fainted stage. Everyone left but not the trio.

"What the bloody hell happened?" Ron asked looking from Hermione to Harry.

"I think I'm about to find it out." Harry said determined.

"How, Harry? You heard Dumbledore. He said you cannot meet Grace until she wakes up!" Hermione exclaimed.

"That's why I am going to use the Invisibility cloak!" Harry said. He ran towards the Gryffindor common room and Hermione was running beside him, huffing for air and saying how he shouldn't do this when Dumbledore said no to him and so on. Ron was eager to find out what was going on so he was defending Harry on how it was a brilliant idea.

In the end, Hermione's curiosity won and the trio took the Invisibility cloak from the room and went to the hospital wing. They stopped outside the hospital wing entrance. The trio put on the cloak and slowly opened the door. No one paid attention to the door opening and closing. The trio tiptoed to the bed where everyone was standing and stood still from where they could hear and see everything.

Fred had laid down Grace on a bed and was standing beside her with Belle. Belle was sitting on a chair and holding Grace's hand.

"What happened to her, Professor?" Mcgonagall asked with worry.

"As you all know about her elemental powers," Dumbledore started and the trio and Fred gasped. Everyone else seemed to know about her being elemental, "She cannot control her powers until she becomes of age. Her powers are at a very fragile stage right now. The attack she had now is because she felt something dark and powerful magic around her. The fragile powers and the dark magic clashed with each other. She doesn't know its happening but she can feel it inside her. The attack is her mind subconsciously fighting the dark magic from over coming her goodness. Mr. Weasley, that's where you came and helped her though unintentionally."

"What did I do, Professor?" Fred asked confused and was a little flushed at this.

"You see, Mr. Weasley, Grace hugged you because of the goodness present in you. You don't have anything dark inside your soul. You were like a anchor for Grace helping her fight this in her mind." Dumbledore said smiling, wrinkles near his twinkling blue eyes.

"Annabelle" Dumbledore started.

"Belle, Professor." Belle said with a scowl.

Dumbledore chuckled and said, "You know what to do right? Start the practice we talked about."

"Aye, aye captain!" Belle said excitedly. She was waiting for the moment for starting the practice of controlling Grace's elemental powers. It was in 1st year when they found out about Grace's powers. Grace was playing a quidditch game when the opponent team had cheated and it wasn't declared foul. Grace taking the quidditch game so seriously got so angry that a fire was caught on the brooms of the opponent team. Then Dumbledore had called Grace and Belle to his office and told them about Grace's powers and how to control them a little bit but told them that the practicing session should start when the time is right. Belle had wondered on why Dumbledore called her too. He had laughed and said that the history for friendship is going to repeat and he knows how thick Belle's and Grace's friendship is going to be.

The trio looked from one to another. They were still consuming about what they had heard about Grace.

"Teachers, you know what to do for her practices right? Set up the room as required. I trust all of you to set the room, level by level." Dumbledore said. All the teachers agreed and everyone made their way towards the exit of the hospital wing. The trio silently followed them and went back to their common room.

Madam Pomfrey applied something like a gel on Grace's forehead.

"What's that, Poppy?" Belle asked.

"It will keep her temperature normal. You two now go back to your common rooms." Madam Pomfrey ushered them out of the room. But one of them didn't budge so Madam Pomfrey allowed him to stay and left to go back to her quarters for sleep.

"Night, Fred!" Belle said.

"Night, Annabelle!" Fred replied. Fred didn't look up and see the scowl on Belle's face when he called her by her full name and also the glint in her eyes that said she knew something that he didn't because he was too busy in staring Grace's face with a deep thought.

Belle went back to her common room with her thoughts on Grace and Fred.

Back in the hospital room, Fred was sitting on a chair and staring at Grace's face. 'Why didn't I go back to my room?' , 'What was she going through?' , 'Why did it feel nice to hold her?' , 'She is so beautiful!' , 'She is not beautiful no! She is ugly!' Fred was becoming frustrated with all these thoughts. He pulled his hair and fell into a restless sleep that night with his thoughts full of Grace.

It was not a restless sleep for Fred only but also for Harry. The incident that happened in the corridor and Grace's secret was giving him a trouble sleeping too.


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