Chapter 33

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I wake up slowly from my sleep. I could feel the sunlight peeking in through the windows. I don't wanna wake up now so I turn around and shift. Because of the sunlight, I start feeling warm so I shift more to the side. 'THUMP'

"Oww!" I groan as I fell from the bed and hit my head. I open my eyes and see Fred Weasley standing before me looking amused and a little worried. I sit up straight on the floor and look at him questioningly while rubbing my head.

"Are you alright there, sleeping ugly?" He asks me with a chuckle.

"I'm perfectly alright. My head doesn't hurt, thanks for asking, giant!" I reply sarcastically while rolling my eyes. He laughs at my reaction.

"Seriously, Giant? Haven't got any better comebacks, eh?" He asks me with a smirk.

"Got many but now I wouldn't want to waste my time on you now, would I?" I say with a sweet fake smile.

"Gotta agree with you on that." He winks at me. He gives me his hand to take, I clasp my hand with his and he pulls me up.

"Are you alright?" He asks me seriously.

I look down, I remember last night very clearly, "I'm fine now. S-sorry for freaking out and crying on you like that." I look up when he doesn't reply. He is already staring at me with warm eyes. I could see some emotion in his eyes but couldn't say what he was feeling. I could feel his breath warm breath on my face, that's when I realized our close proximity. I started feeling awkward a little.

"Ahem, ahem," I say. Fred realized too our distance and let go off my waist. We now have one arm distance between us.

"I-I should go now." Fred says. His eyes now cold and his voice stern.

"Thank you for last night." I say to him. He nods his head and leaves the room. I look at his going figure until he exits.

"Glad to know you are awake Ms. Potter." Poppy's voice startles me and I look at her. She is coming towards me with a smile and I return back her smile.

"Morning, Poppy." I greet her.

"How are you feeling now?" Poppy asks me.

"I feel good now." I smile at her.

"Good! Let me check your vitals first and then you need to go to Professor Dumbledore's office. He told me to send you there as soon as you wake up." Poppy told me. She checked my vitals and told me to visit her if I don't feel well.

"Also, he told me remind you that he and you both share a liking for lemon cupcakes!" Poppy told with a confused expression. I got the hint, lemon cupcakes was the password.

"Thank you, Poppy!" I told her laughing.

I exited the hospital wing and made my way towards Dumbledore's office. I told the password at the entrance and a door opened. I walked further and a staircase started moving upwards from the Griffin's statue. I walked up the circular stairs towards his office. I stopped outside large wooden doors. I knocked the door twice before it opened.

"Morning, Professor," I greeted Dumbledore.

His eyes twinkled and wrinkles formed near his eyes when he smiled, "Morning, Grace. I hope you're fine now?"

I nodded my head and sat down in one of the comfy chair in front of the desk.

"What did you want from me, Professor?" I asked.

"Do you remember about the practice session we talked about?" Dumbledore asked. I nodded my head remembering it.

"So, we have decided to start the training from next week and Belle will help you." Dumbledore said smiling at me.

"Alright! But professor, can you tell me what happened exactly yesterday night?" I asked the question that have been bugging me from the moment I woke up.

Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes flew in and sat up on my shoulder. I have known about it from my 1st year. Its quite friendly with me. I smiled rubbed its head. Dumbledore chuckled and the became serious. He started explaining on how I can feel dark and powerful magic around me and how they are trying to lure me into using them. He told me many more things. I listened to him carefully, with each word my heartbeat pounding fast.

"I hope you understand this?" Dumbledore finished.

"I will do everything to protect him!" I say with a determined face.

"I suggest you may now go for your breakfast and take this day off." Dumbledore said with a smile. With a goodbye I left Dumbledore's office and went down the stairs. My legs were little wobbly after I reprocessed what Dumbledore told me. I took the support of the wall beside me and stood still to calm myself. I took three deep breaths and calmed my fast beating heart. After I was calmed I walked back to my common room.


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