Chapter 4

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Belle and I made our way towards our house table. Our "Slytherin" friends greeted us back and forth. Yes you heard it right, I was indeed in Slytherin with Belle. The Sorting Hat had said that there was something in us which we wanted to prove of ourselves. The Hat also said that we showed traits of all the other houses and we could be placed in Gryffindor just like our parents but the will power to prove our selves was more than bravery so here we are sitting at the Slytherin table waiting for the Sorting ceremony to start. When I first told Remus about this he was bit disappointed but when I told him what the Hat had said his disappointment was replaced by sympathy. I don't know what I want to prove but whatever it was Remus understood and when I asked him what was it he said I will understand it myself when the time is right. For Belle here people might think it was because all of her family was placed here except her father and mother. She also doesn't understand what she wants to prove but I think time will eventually tell us what. We both had confessed that we didn't like being placed in Slytherin at first but boy how wrong we both were. After the first week we didn't mind the Hat's decision.

We were all talking with our house-mates when the Great Hall doors opened and revealed nervous and amazed looking first years. Everyone is gawking at the Great Hall's enchanted ceiling and looking at other older students. I look for one messy black hair boy and then our eyes meet and we both grin widely at each other and I wave and give him two thumbs up. He grins again and they stand in front of the podium.

Professor Mcgonagall started the Sorting Ceremony. She called out the names. When a boy named Draco Malfoy was placed in Slytherin before the hat even touched his hair our table started cheering loudly and clapped for him. He came and sat beside me. We all congratulated him and introduced ourselves. But when I had introduced myself he scrunched up his nose and I frowned.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"I offered your brother my friendship but he declined it so well I don't like him." came his reply with a attitude. I laughed at him.

"Oh, that between you and him so don't worry about our friendship Draco." He seemed a little surprised that I addressed him as Draco instead of Malfoy but he smiled at me and from there began our friendship. Belle who was sitting beside me greeted also greeted him by saying 'Ickle Draco'. At first Draco scowled at this name but soon it turned to a warm smile. They both were cousins whose family did not talk with each other. But somehow Belle and Draco found a friendship and remained friends even though for show they acted as they hated each other.

I looked up again and saw Harry's eyes flickering back and forth towards me and the podium. His eyes held confusion and something like fear. Soon Harry's named was called and he walked towards the podium and sat down on the chair and the hat was placed on his head. Everyone started whispering and some Slytherin people asked me if he really was my brother and some personal questions which I refused to reply. The hat took awfully a lot of time in deciding Harry's house. Everyone were drop dead quiet and waited patiently for the hat's answer. Harry's face was scrunched up as if he was thinking something hard.

"Gryffindor" the hat yelled and the Gryffindor table started cheering and clapping very excitedly and loudly. The twins chanted the 'We got Potter' along with some Gryffindor's. Harry looked up at me and I smiled brightly and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled back widely. The left out students were sorted among which was Ron who got into Gryffindor, no surprises there because his family from generations were in Gryffindor.

Then Dumbledore stood up gave the usual speech about the forbidden forest, late night roaming, etc.. but what was new was the the third corridor. 'Strange' I thought but soon the thought dismissed out my head as food appeared in front of us and all of us dug in.

We all talked about random things, laughed at the first years about their excitement and I eventually looked up and checked Harry and saw he was truly happy and chatted among now his friends. Sometimes, our eyes would meet and we would grin and he mouthed how awesome all of this were. The ghosts came to visit the first years and the whole hall was filled ghosts talking with students and laughing. I looked up again to see Harry and saw that he placed his hand on his forehead where his scar was and by his expression it was hurting. I have to ask him what's the problem tomorrow in the morning because now he will have to follow the prefect to his common room. Soon the dinner finished after the deserts and Dumbledore stood up and said its time for us to go to sleep. We all stood up and started leaving the Great Hall after the first years.

I was talking with Belle as we both started walking with other Slytherin's to the Dungeons, our common room. It was cold in the dungeons but I thought it was cool temperature and it kinda calmed me down. We stopped in front of the Salazar Slytherin's portrait and said the password. It opened and we entered our common room. It was underwater so we could see the creatures in the water. It was beautiful to watch them sometimes when you have nothing to do. The temperature in the room was warm due to the fire burning in fire place. The common room was filled with green, black and silver furnishing item. After seeing them you can tell that the Slytherin common house and dorms held certain elegance, fashion and not feared to use their money to the like and comfort they want. We saw some first years still gawking at the interiors of the room. Belle and I took the right side staircase which went to the girls dorm. We saw that we were once again placed together and sequeled happily. Our other roommates were Rosaline Mason, Erica McConner and Jace Greengrass. We all were friends from the first year but Belle and I were the best-est of friends. You can say that we were the group of five. Like us the other three believed that blood doesn't matter and all are equal even though they have to sometimes act as if they are superior because they all belong to Pureblood families and for the sake of their family's reputation. But we know better then them and they are most awesome-st group of friends that you can ever ask for.

We went inside our dorm and saw that everyone was already in there. After we saw each other we sequeled and had a group hug. My trunk and Scoop's cage was placed in a bed that was beside a window. We all changed quickly and started talking excitedly for tomorrow. We did right each other frequently but not as frequent as I and Belle wrote each other. It was around midnight that we all went to sleep. As soon as I my head hit the pillow I fell asleep. Damn, I must be pretty exhausted then.


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