Chapter 22

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It was late night and I had just come after celebrating my girlfriends birthday. Yup, its weird actually. Actually scratch that its super weird. Erica, Rose, Belle and Jace all have their birthdays in the summer break. They all celebrate their birthday together because they think since all the birthdays are so close why not celebrate it together and save money. Not that any one of them have any money problems. But you get my point. If you see I had to go to three birthday celebrations. How you ask? Erica, Rose and Jace being the purebloods they are, their family threw them surprise birthday parties. It was filled with mostly snobby purebloods, ministry officials and ex-death eaters. Even though the party was classy in a sophisticated way and the food was amazing, those parties are nothing compared to taste on how the three girls like to celebrate. In Belle's house, its simple. We cut a cake and have a birthday special dinner. But our birthday parties goes like this - We all meet up at 30th July in a place and from there we decide what to do. It all started after our 1st year ended. Today we all had decided that we will go to this muggle mall in London and roam there. We all went to different types of stores and tried new outfits and did what the muggles call the 'window shopping' thing. This time I bought the things the girls loved the most from the mall as a gift to them. It was evening when we all went to the restaurant where we had a table already booked for us by Rose's father. It looked like a very expensive restaurant from the building's interior to the price of the food. Thank God! We all were dressed in some formal dress. Because Merlin knows what these muggles will think when some bunch of teenage girls walk into the restaurant wearing jeans and tops which is completely opposite to the dress code of this restaurant. Jace's father had suggested us to wear dresses. We said we didn't want to but he insisted and had said,"Later on it will be helpful" and we listened to him but were confused on his suggestion. Thank God once again that we listened to him or else it would have been a very uncomfortable dinner. Back to the present now.

"You're going to Diagon Ally with the Weasleys' tomorrow because I have some work to do. Understood?" Remus said, I was just lying on my bed exhausted but sat up straight as soon as Remus said this. I looked at him wide eyed and mouth open. He was leaning on my bedroom's door frame, his arms folded in front of his chest and a smirk visible on his face.

I narrowed my eyes and looked at him,"And why would I have to go with them? I don't have problem with others except the twins. Also, why have you got this evil smirk" I said.

"Because you're gonna have a hell lot of fun with them and think of it as a payback for finishing my chocolates and I had no chocolates left to eat after my full moon." Remus stated.

I gasped dramatically and said,"What are you talking about? I was so upset after seeing that muggle movie that I needed chocolates to lighten my mood."

"Yeah, finishing your part of chocolates is fine with me but touching mine ain't good, kiddo" Remus retorted.

"Such a meanie wolf you're." Remus chuckled at this.

"Go to sleep, Grace. You have a long day ahead tomorrow. Good night" Remus said with a wink and closed my bedroom door.

"Nighty night" I howler-ed back. I groaned and fell back on the bed. 'Why me!' I thought. On the good side I get to have fun with Molly aka Mrs. Weasley. I got up, changed and did my night routine and went to sleep.

Next Morning:

"Get up, sunshine." Remus was interrupted my sleep.

"Go away" I muttered and went back to sleep. Suddenly, the blankets were pulled off me and the curtains were drawn open. Sunlight filled the whole damn room.

"Too much of light, too much of light. I can't see!" I dramatically said and covered my eyes.

"Meanie, never wake a girl from her beauty sleep." I said. Remus just chuckled.

"Get ready fast because you're going to have breakfast at Weasleys' and then go to Diagon Ally with them." Remus reminded me of the shopping plan.

"Way to ruuin a goood morning, Remus. But I will look on the bright side and say I will get to eat Molly delicious food." I taunted Remus.

Remus put a hand on his heart and faked a mocked hurt look,"Oh please! I'm the best cook in the world."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Remus." and pushed him out of my bedroom.

"Going, going, no need to get violent woman!" Remus said chuckling.

I shook my head at my Godfather and picked up a outfit for today. Ripped jeans, a white shirt with black combat boots. 'Perfect!' I thought. I went to my bathroom and did my daily morning routine. After the shower I dried my body and wore the outfit picked for today. I tied my hair in a ponytail. I looked myself in the full body-length mirror. I have grown a few centimeters over the summer and my hair was more black now. I tied my boots up and picked up my purse and a black cloak and went downstairs.

Remus was just tying his tie. He wore one of his old suit. I looked at him carefully. He was very handsome and tall with honey brown colored hair and warm chocolate brown eyes. The scars on his face was the only thing that made him think of himself as a monster. I always told him the scars were the sign of his greatness not because he was a monster. When I was 6 or 7, he had told me he was a werewolf and he expected me to be scared but I was awed by it. Remus always told me I was like my father, like he also never gave up and hated him because of his little wolf secret. Deep down I know, Remus might not be my father but he is as close as a father can be and I will always love, support and care for him no matter what he is.

I shook my head and chuckled at Remus who was struggling in tying his tie.

"Here, let me." Remus stood still with a huff and I tied his tie.

"That's how you do it." I cheered myself.

"Yeah, yeah" Remus waved me off.

"We're getting late, take the Floo powder and say 'The Burrow' clearly and be a good girl" I nodded and kissed Remus's cheek before taking the Floo powder and stepping in our fireplace.Before I threw the powder down,"I'm always a good girl" and before I could get any reply from him I threw the powder down and shouted,"The Burrow." Green flames emerged and the feeling when being apparated came. In few seconds I was standing in the fire place of the Burrow and I was not ready for the two surprises for me.


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