Surprise, surprise

Start from the beginning

"That was not MANLY." Added Elfman to emphasize, Lisanna shook he head back and forth in disapproval.

"COULD YOU GUYS STOP LECTURING ME AND START EXPLAINING?!" Everyone looked at Natsu and then at each other, then they just shook they're heads 'No'.

"Fine." Natsu was ticked off at his friends for not helping him out so he decided to follow Lucy instead.

Instantly catching her scent after leaving the guild, he ran after her in hopes that she could forgive him.

Lucy on the other hand was making her way to the South Gate Park after buying a cup of coffee. Natsu had already found her but didn't approach when he saw three familiar figures walking towards Lucy.

"Lucy! Just the girl I wanted to see!" Yukino exclaimed while jumping up to give her a hug.

"Hey Yukino, Sting, Rouge. What are you guys doing here?" Asked Lucy surprised by they're sudden visit.

"Well, we had a job near here and we decided to pass by Fairy Tail." Answered Rouge.

"And Yukino wanted to give you something." Sting nudged Yukino forward a bit because she was a little shy.

"H-Happy Birthday Lucy! I hope you like it!" She said while handing her a decorative box.

So it was her Birthday! Damn I really messed us this time. I thought I forgot something stupid like Valentine's day. Natsu thought to him self as he watched from afar.

Lucy opened up the present to find a new leather pouch to hold her celestial keys, it even had a pink Fairy Tail guild mark on the front.

"Wow! Thanks Yukino! It's wonderful." She exclaimed holding it to her chest.

Natsu didn't want to waist anymore time so he went to look for the perfect gift.

As he walked down the streets filled with shops and sales people, he just couldn't find the one thing that could make his girlfriend happy. Feeling like there's nothing worthy to give her, he passes by the last store.

And there he saw it, right smack in the middle of the window display was the perfect gift. Yeah it was going to cost him a fortune but Lucy was worth it.

But he couldn't just give it to her. No, he had to make it special. So he ran back to the guild.

"Guys!" He yelled as he entered the guild. Everyone turned to look at him.

"You finally remembered flame brain?" Asked Gray.


"And how are you going to make it up to Lu-chan?" Asked Levi.

"I'm going to need your guy's help for that!" He showed his toothy grin while everyone gave him questioning looks.


Lucy was relaxing under the big tree in the Magnolia South Gate Park. She soon saw a certain redhead coming from the distance with Wendy and Levi right behind her.

"Hey guys." Greeted Lucy with a smile.

"Lu-chan~." Levi said in a silly way. The blond mage looked back and forth to her friends getting confused.

"Whats going on?..." She asked.

"We have been given orders to have you get dressed in this." Erza signaled to Wendy who was holding up a pearl dress that was only knee length (kinda like the dress in the picture).

"What? By who?"

"That doesn't matter, just get changed." Answered Wendy with a smile.

"I cant just change here!" Argued the blond.

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