The Aftermath

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I woke up next to Lauren on the couch.

It looks like she didn't get any sleep at all and that cut on her lip looks a lot worse than I what thought.

The bruises are now forming on her face.

Faint shades of purple, blue and black can be seen on her left eye and eyebrow.

"Hey, you're awake." She smiled at me.

"Did you get any sleep at all?" I asked her concerned on how she's going to manage to get through to today's schedule with no sleep at all.

"I got about an hour or so but don't worry about me, I'll be fine." She reassured me and handed me a cup of freshly made coffee.

I took the warm cup in my hands and cautiously took small sips of the liquid in it.

"You want me to hide that or are you gonna do it yourself?" I asked Lauren as she walks out to the balcony with her cup of coffee.

Ever since she got into dating these different guys, she managed to pick up some of their bad habits and the one that she picked up easily was the smoking.

I followed her to where she stood, watching the view and the city pass by.

She takes out the stick from its box and places it in between her teeth so that she can look for her lighter.

"There's no point hiding it Camz." She lit the cigarette and took in the first lungful of chemicals before slowly releasing them with the air.

Her eyes were glistening in the bright sunny day.

I loved looking at them.

Those emerald green eyes took me to places I never thought I would be.

"We can use a little makeup, I'm sure they won't notice it all." I reassured her trying to make a little movements with my hands to pretend that I'm putting makeup on her face.

"Camz, you and I both know that can't work with makeup." She chuckled.

"That's true but I know I can still cover that up for you." I laughed a little.

"Yeah bet I'd look really different." She turned around to face me.

"No one will recognise you at all." I smiled at her.

She lets out another small laugh and sweet Jesus that was so good to hear.

I loved hearing that laugh more than anything in this world.

"Hey at least I got you to smile." I bit my bottom lip as she settles down from her small laugh.

"Thank you." She then crookedly smiled at me.

"It's nothing Lo." I lightly punched her on her upper arm.

"Go and get ready in your room, I got this." She then finished her cigarette and started to push me back into the room and out the wooden door.

"No, no, no." I tried to come back inside her room but she insisted that she got it all under control and shut the door before I could even step foot in her room.

I made my way back into my room and there I saw Dinah getting ready with Milika.

"Wow Camila, you're late." Dinah briefly looked at me in my direction.

"Sorry woke up quite late." I apologised and took a piece of her food from the table.

"Can you start on getting ready, I'll just finish up Dinah's hair and makeup then you're up." Dinah's mother instructed, which I followed immediately knowing on how much time I've probably wasted by sleeping in.

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