Chapter 20

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Kaiden's POV

What have I done? I created a monster, a demon! The minute that lapdog mentioned that something wasn't right, the minute I smelled the pungent sugary smell being covered by fire, I knew.

I once told my beloved that I was a monster. I was a vampire, yet not completely. I've traveled throughout the decades tormenting, killing, feeding for sport. Normal vampires do what they know; they drink and they survive. Some will test the limits nonetheless, but they stay within boundaries.

I do not drink and survive. I do not need to survive. My undead life isn't an option. I was born into it, not turned. My mother was a vampire, who was so infatuated with human men she fell in love with many. She couldn't bare to watch them grow old and part with them so she would turn them. They would stay around for a while, but they would either leave or she would get bored of them. When she was bored she'd kill them off, one by one, slowly tearing away a piece of her soul as each time she turned a human, parts of her soul attached themselves to its new partner. She slowly went insane from "a broken heart", as she called it. That is, until she met my father.

She thought he was human. However he was strong and wicked yet smart and clear minded. He was the perfect match for such a dark woman. She fell in love with the chase. He pushed her away and used her during lonely nights. He was cruel, flaunting other women in front of my mother. She was devastated. It was then that she found that there was a life growing inside of her, from one of the reckless nights he lured her into.

She waited for him to come to her so she could confess. The life was growing and she became more and more confused. How could a vampire possibly fall pregnant with human child? She wanted the man more than anything now, he was meant to be hers. She would claim him as soon as he came to her and turn him so they could be together forever. But he never came. She waited and waited. She got angry and feasted upon many villagers, destroyed homes and cities across the country.

One day, she got tired of waiting and watching until he came to her. She followed him to a house that wasn't his own. She thought he was in the middle of an affair when she walked into the room, her eyes red and fangs out. He smirked at her as the smell of the human woman's blood stained the walls and furniture. Everything was painted red; the woman's body torn apart across the bed.

His eyes, my mother would never forget his eyes. "They were as cold and dark as a winters night sky," she would tell me. "It was then that I knew your father was not a mere human..."

She was right, he wasn't human. He was a monster. He was the reason I was cursed to be this. He was... No, it was me. I am the reason Tyler will become who she will become. I am the reason she will be feared. I am the reason that innocent people could possibly die. I am the reason that people will want Tyler dead. She will be the threat that will be impossible to prevent. She will lead to destruction and chaos if not cared for the right way.

"It was then that I knew your father was not a mere human," my mother once told me. "He was a demon."

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