Akaashi Keiji ~ Studying

Start from the beginning

"Ok," Akaashi mumbled, flicking through the pages of his book. "What is a Chromosome?" He asked, looking back up at Y/N.

"A Chromosome is a long thread of DNA, which is made up of many genes," Y/N answered, starting to get the hang of these questions.

"Mhm," Akaashi nodded, pulling out another sweet.

Y/N leaned forward and opened her mouth to receive it, but Akaashi shook his head.

"Close your eyes," he commanded and Y/N's eyes widened.

"Why?" She asked, leaning back.

"Just do it," he ordered and Y/N rolled her eyes.

She closed her eyes and leaned forward, ready to feel the sweet on her tongue. She did, but with something else. She knew what it was immediately and pulled her head back, spitting out the sweet as she did.

"Did I lick your finger?!" She spluttered, her cheeks heating up immensely.

"Yeah," Akaashi answered coolly. "No big deal."

He then looked down at the sweet in his lap and picked it up.

"What a waste of a perfectly good sweet," he said aloud before popping it into his mouth.

"Akaashi, I thought you didn't like Chewitts," Y/N pointed out, and the boy swallowed before answering.

"I do when they're coming from your mouth," he purred and Y/N blushed madly, burying her face in her Science book to hide the red in her cheeks.

"Next question!" She squeaked, begging for the awkwardness to be over.

Akaashi's smirk grew as he stopped on a page in his book, scanning over the information and forming a question in his head.

"Name the male and female sex cells," he said, his smirk only growing as the blush on Y/N's face deepened.

"Seriously, Keiji?!" She squealed, burying her face further into her book.

"Come on L/N, it's a legitimate question! Name the male and female sex cells," he repeated, laughing a little towards the end.

"Sperm and egg cells," Y/N muttered, her cheeks starting to hurt from all the blushing.

"Sorry, what was that?" Akaashi teased, yanking her book down to reveal her red as a tomato face. "I didn't hear you."

"Sperm and egg cells!" The girl yelled, her face burning at this point.

Akaashi pulled back and smiled a close-eyed smile. "Correct."

"Oh thank god," she let out a huge sigh of relief, opening her mouth for the sweet, but instead Akaashi put one end of the chewy delight in his mouth, leaving the other end out in the open.

The girl only raised an eyebrow in questioning, the red in her face only just starting to die down.

"Come on," he said, his voice coming out as muffled, which caused Y/N to giggle. "We've done weirder shit than this; this is literally nothing."

Y/N rolled her eyes, getting up on to her knees before shuffling forward towards her best friend and putting the other end of the sweet into her mouth. The two stared into eachother's eyes for a few minutes, the feelings in their heart's growing with every second. They both had to face it. They were both teenagers, both with raging feelings towards eachother. Feelings which had to acted upon.

So they kissed. Their lips connected in that brief moment of contact that their noses made, and once they started they couldn't pull back. Didn't pull back. Wouldn't pull back. They completely forgot about the sweet balancing on the tip of their tongues as they let it switch from mouth from mouth.

Y/N wrapped her arms around Akaashi's neck and Akaashi snaked his arms around the girl's waist, pulling her closer against his body. Their lips danced around eachother's, molding together like clay. And the feeling was amazing. Neither of them had ever kissed anyone before, so they were considered quite skilled for their level. But they didn't care; they loved it.

Akaashi pushed on Y/N slightly, and the girl fell backwards onto the floor, the rug providing as a comfy landing spot. The stoic boy made no hesitation in crawling on top of her and kissing her lips with more fervour than he even knew he had. His hands trailed down the girl's arms - which were still wrapped around his neck - to her sides and her legs. Just as he was about to hoist her legs up around his waist, the sweet dropped from his mouth and down Y/N's throat.

The girl suddenly sat up, nearly head-butting the boy as she began coughing, trying to rid her throat of the sweet lodged in it. It took Akaashi a few strangled coughs to realise that his best friend was choking, and began slapping her in-between her shoulders, trying to get her to cough up the sweet.

She did in the end, and her head fell on Akaashi's chest as she took huge breaths, each one tasting more sweet to her. Akaashi rolled his eyes and patted the girl on her head, wrapping his other arm around her into a hug. Once she was done with her coughing fit, Y/N sighed in relief and looked up at the black-haired boy.

"That was scary," she managed to say, her heart still racing.

"For you maybe," he replied, his eyes narrow. "You just had to ruin the moment."


The next day when Y/N got her test back, she received a seventy-four out of eighty.

"Akaashi, look!" She exclaimed, shoving her paper in the boy's face.

Akaashi took the paper from the girl's hands and studied it, a slight smile appearing on his face.

"Well done," he replied, throwing the paper back to her.

Akaashi waited until the teacher wasn't looking to pull Y/N into a quick but passionate kiss, pulling away just as quick as it began.

"Ohoho!" Bokuto cheered from next to you.

"I'm coming round yours again today," he stated, tipping the girl's chin up. "You deserve to be rewarded."


Choo choo! All aboard the steamy train! Honestly, being the loser I am, I would end up choking on the sweet and ruining the moment with Keiji.

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