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I came home like normal and closed the door, only to hear a big bump. I looked to the couch and saw Carl on the floor. Now my rape was rescheduled to... 1... 2 “you should close the door more carefully next time! Now I need to punish you” ...3. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs. He did his business and of course slapped me with the belt.  I lied on the floor, bleeding, hurting and thinking of Louis. I walked into the bathroom and showered. I felt my razor call for me and did the thing I both hated and loved; I self harmed, by cutting. I washed the blood away and finished. I got clothes on and sat on my bed. I have to get away from here. I can’t handle this life anymore. I’m killing myself. I don’t eat; I self harm and I have scars, on my body and in my mind, for life. I can’t change, but I might as hell try. I walked downstairs, grabbed an apple and ate it with difficulty. I went to my room and waited for dinnertime.  I lied on my bed a few hours and heard someone yell: “Honey, could you make dinner today? I’m not really up for it” “sure!” I yelled back and got downstairs. I made dinner and ate a little too. My mother and sister looked at me shocked and surprised. “What has gotten into you, Harry? You never eat dinner” my mom asked “I just want to be healthy and feel good” I answered and excused myself form the dinner table. Carl said nothing about it, but I know he thinks I’m nothing and worth nothing. I went to bed with a smile on my face and a full stomach.

I woke up and did my routine; except I ate a little more breakfast than usual and I packed a little lunch. I need to become normal and eat like every other human being. I packed it and made my way for school, happy and full of energy. I almost sprinted to school and ran, for once in my life the other way around, into Niall and flipped us onto the floor. He looked happier than I was and I wouldn’t ruin it. I lifted myself off of Niall and stood up. I helped Niall up and brushed off my clothes. I began walking and Niall followed.  “I have great news for you Harry” I smiled “what is it?” “I went to the police and got all the information about custody cases as I need. I just filed a case against Carl to get custody over you” I fought back the urge to jump up and down, but failed miserably and Niall jumped with me. “I’m so happy, now I can get away from that hell of a life and finally become more normal” “wow, you have energy today. Did you drink cola or something?” “Nope, I ate a whole bowl of oatmeal this morning” Niall stopped jumping and so did I. “You ate a whole bowl by yourself and didn’t throw any of it out?” “Nope, I ate all of it”. He hugged me tight and I whimpered as he had his arms around my back. “Niall, could you please be careful. Carl used the belt yesterday” I whispered in his ear. He let go of me and looked pissed. “I really want to do something drastic to that man; like kill him or just use his own belt against him” hmm, I like his ideas, but that would be wrong and that would make us as bad as him. “Niall, that would make you as bad as him” “yeah, you’re right and I’m nothing like him” “I know you couldn’t hurt a fly, but you could hurt Liam” I thought of the night I caught them in the act. Niall had handcuffed Liam to the bed and he had a cock ring on. I shivered at the thought “what are you...? Ohhh” the last part was because I gave him a knowing look and raised my eyebrow. He blushed “that was a onetime thing” I covered my ears “I don’t want to know about your sex life!” I think I actually yelled it, because everyone’s attention was on me “forget what I said, but not you Nialler!” I uncovered my ears and saw everyone’s attention turn to Louis, walking over here with Liam behind him. “Hey Liam!” Niall yelled happy and energetic. I laughed at him and couldn’t breathe.  I took me to the stomach and leaned forward. I felt someone slap my back and stopped laughing immediately and replaced it with a scream of pain. I looked beside me and saw a surprised and scared Louis. “Don’t worry. I just landed hard on my back the other day and it still hurts” he looked relieved “thank god. I thought I hurt you”. I gave him a smile and heard Niall’s phone ring. He took it, went to the side and talked a little. He came back and typed something on his phone. I felt vibration in my pocket and picked up my phone; a text from Niall. I opened it. That was a judge. He’s willing to take the chase. It’s tomorrow at one and I already have a lawyer. I typed a reply; Good, can’t wait to get away from Carl. Niall smiled at my reply and winked at me and I winked back. We all went to class and I actually ate all of the food I brought.

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