'Beat Harry Day'

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Louis Point of view

I was panning something huge for this school day.  It was huge for me and my boys, but I don’t think it will be for the one we plan on doing it to. Yep, I think you guessed it; we want to do something huge to Harry, little innocent Harry, well I know for a fact that he isn’t all that innocent. I remember a year ago, exactly a year ago today; I was drunk, but sober enough to know what I did. I fucked Harry and that little... forgot it. He forgot, but I never did, I remember and it’s been haunting me for the past year. I fucked him and I still don’t know why. I remember back when we were friends, I had a crush on him and he was openly gay and proud. I was confused about my sexuality and my feelings. I thought he liked me back, but guess what, he didn’t and that broke my heart. I distanced myself from him and then I moved and lost contact. I came here to start a new life and then he comes here and invades it. He had to get foster parents in this town, yes I know about his foster parents. I just want him gone. He broke my heart and now he’s going to pay. It’s payback time.

I opened the school door and almost got ran over by that little Irish blond guy; Liam’s boyfriend. Better stay away from him or I’m getting in trouble with Liam and believe me that’s not a good thing. I tried it once and it didn’t turn out well for me or my boys. I ignored him and saw a mop of curls ahead; I could recognize those curls everywhere. It was Harry. I found my boys and nodded at Harry. They came over to me and we approached Harry. Now you’re gonna pay. I got in front of him and took a hold of him around his back. He whimpered, wimp, and got tears in his eyes; I almost felt sorry. I slammed him against the lockers and came close to his ear. “You like being manhandled ja? You like how your foster dad treats you and you like the pain, right? You like to get all beaten up and roughly fucked, but you know what? You’re a wimp and you’re pathetic and weak. You’re more fragile than I remember and you need to pay” I whispered in his ear. He furrowed his brows and looked puzzled at me. I shrugged it off and swung my arm back to let it collide with his face. I felt guilty immediately “Zayn!!” I yelled and he came right beside me “what is it?” he asked. I got Harry off the lockers and stood behind him, to hold him up “hit him with all you got” I said and Harry tried to get away, but I tightened my grip on him. He relaxed and Zayn hit him the first time. I pushed the guilt aside, now it was payback time. Payback’s a bitch and now you’ll feel that Harry Styles.

Harry’s Point of view

I wanted to 1. Fight back, 2. Run away or 3. Ask why the hell they were doing this to me. I felt Zayn’ fist collide with my chin and I choked in a whimper. He didn’t need to see me suffer and be a wimp, more than I already had been. I just wanted Louis to let me go and let me forget about this, only for me to forgive him once again and then regret it immediately after. I tried to think of Niam, Gemma and mom. I thought about good things, happy things. I almost forgot about the pain, but not fully. I got punched in the gut and felt Louis tightened his grip and loosen it almost in a blink of an eye. I just want this to stop, all of it. I eyed my backpack at the floor and thought of the razor lying in the little room in front. I just wanted that in my hand, so I could cut and feel better. I just wanted to be set free. I wanted happiness and people loving me. I felt my legs give under and feel onto my knees. I saw Louis walk away, but not before, I saw a pained look in his eyes. What is going on with these boys? I got up and quickly got my backpack. I went to the men’s room and sat in a booth. I sat In front of the toilet and tugged up my sleeve. I opened my backpack, got the razor and started cutting over the toilet; we don’t want blood all over the place. I felt the relive hit me every time the razor hit my skin. I felt the stinging on my skin, but it felt good. I got some toilet paper and wiped the blood off. I also wiped off my beloved razor. I got it back in my backpack and got out in the hallway again. I saw a mop of blond and suddenly my back hit the ground and I screamed out of pain. It was like Carl’s belt hit me all over again and I felt the stinging, but it made me feel better. I looked up and saw into a pair of blue eyes; Niall’s eyes. He took a hand out for me to take and I did. He pulled me up and I brushed off my clothes. “Why did you scream?” he asked worried “the belt” I said and I knew he would know, what I meant. He looked pained and about to burst into tears. I hugged him and said calming things in his ear. It helped and then Liam came and took over. I walked to class and sat in the back as usual. I looked out the window. “Mr. Styles? Mr. Styles!?” I flinched at the high voice and directed my eyes on the teacher the voice belonged to “yes?” “Do you know the answer to this equation?” she asked and I took a glance at it, easy, and went back to looking out the window “x equals 23” I answered and she gasped along with every other student in the class; I guess it was correct and I knew it was. I’m not bragging or anything, but I’m pretty smart.  I know that and almost every teacher knows that. She gave us some tasks to do and I made them in 5 minutes. I said, I was done and she looked at me stunned and went through it only to find out it was flawless, so she made me help those students that needed it. I did and every one of them was actually pretty smart too, but had some issues with equations. I went over to a student with a raised hand and didn’t take my time to see who it was. “So what’s the problem?” I asked as I reached his table “I can’t figure out this equation?” he pointed at an easy one and I furrowed my brows; I knew that voice, it belonged to Louis. I looked up and it was good enough, it was him. I gulped and went back to the equation. “You have to find out what x is and you do that by deciding which side you want all the x’es on” he wrote down the equation and pointed at a side. “You make the number without an x disappear, by either multiplying or subtracting the number with itself on each side” he did that and then he just made the rest by himself. I frowned; why did he need my help if he already knew how to solve it? “Now you can just do that with all the other equations, then you’ll be fine” I said, as I began to walk away, but got stopped by Louis. He pulled me beside him and whispered in my ear “so now you’re smart too? I guess, I should have known. You always do your homework and never complain or ask for help. You’re just the typical nerd every school has, except your style of clothes. You’re a faggot and a nerd that’s two in one, I just got a bingo” he said and let me go. I sat back down on my own seat and shot up when the clock rung to lunch. I made my way to the cafeteria, but got pushed against the wall. I looked into those beautiful sea green eyes and shivered. He had his hands on each side of my face and then he stepped beside me and Zayn appeared. He punched me everywhere he could. I got on my knees and he kicked my back. I screamed and got up as fast as the lightning.  I grabbed him and pinned him against the wall “I’m sick and tired of your name calling and your beating; I’ve got enough of that for the rest of my life! I just want to be left alone and forgotten! I want you to stay away from me!” I said and I was pretty surprised at my own courage. I let him go, gave him a dead glare and went to lunch, nut not without noticing the students that stared surprised at me. I ignored them and kept walking. I felt good. I just stood up for myself. I smiled like a maniac and waved happily at Niam. This day just got better.

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