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Andrea's POV

"Andrea, Andrea, Andrea!!" Jade said while shaking my shoulders causing me to wake up from my beauty sleep.

"What the fuck do you fuckin want from me this early bitch?!" I said. I could be a little mean in the morning.

"Jeez An, Since when do you get so grumpy?"

"Why did you wake me up from my beauty sleep?" I said rephrasing my statement

"I was wondering if you wanted to confront Ethan and Gray about them...you know...being vampires and about last night. Let's go to their house, Ethan told me their address before"

"Ok just let me fix myself then we'll go to my house so I can take a bath and see my family"

"Ok, I'll wait for you here" she said and sat on the bean bag chair in her room

I nodded and went to her bathroom. I got my toothbrush from her drawer, yes I have a toothbrush in her house, and brushed my teeth. I then washed my face and tied my hair into a cute messy bun.

"I'm finished. Let's go"

She walked out of her room and I did the same. We passed Jade's mom doing chores.

"Bye mom"

"Bye Ms. Roberts"

"Bye girls. Stay safe"

With that, we headed outside.

"How are we going to your house? Its very far from here"

I just smirked and got my wand from my boot. I raised it and made circular motions in the air while chanting, "my house is a long walk from here, so take us there faster than I can say 'fear' "

We were in my front door in less than a second. I put my wand back in my boots and knocked on the door. My mom opened it with a happy/relieved expression.

"Andrea, Thank goodness you're alright. You too Jade!"

"Hi Mom"

"Hi Ms. Johnson"

"Mom, I'll just be here fast. I'll leave again after I get ready"


We went inside the door and into my room.

"Just wait here. I won't take long to get ready" I said to Jade


I went to my closet and picked out a white crop tom with black stripes, tattered jeans, and a red and blue flannel

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I went to my closet and picked out a white crop tom with black stripes, tattered jeans, and a red and blue flannel. I then went to the bathroom to take a 10 minute shower.

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