Chapter 31

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Didn't they say
That only love
Will win in the end?
Mumford and Sons, "Only Love"

Spencer's POV

I can't get her out of my head, no matter how hard I try. All I can see is the blinding, pale pink colour of her bra. It shines the same colour as the flowers that blossom outside my apartment. I can't get the touch of her skin away from me; all I can feel is her delicate, fragile skin. I can't get the sweet, bombarding taste of her lips off of my mouth. I can't get her out of my head, and I don't ever want to.

She's sitting right beside me on the bus, and our legs are deathly close to brushing up against one another.

She gives me an award winning smile. I can feel it sinking into my emotions, cheering me up with her simple smile.

Luckily, school is over after two more days for spring break. I have a week off and I don't have any plans yet.

"What are you doing for spring break, JJ?" Emily asks sweetly, her eyes trailing over her best friend.

"My parents and I are going to California for a couple of days," JJ replies.

"Why?" Courtney asks politely.

"Just to relax. We're staying at a resort near the water for two nights," She responds informatively. Emily's eyes are still fixated on JJ; her eyes wander over her delicate, soft features.

"That sounds so much better than what I'm doing: staying at home and eating Cheetos," Morgan responds, smirking.

"Cheetos? You lucky bitch," JJ jokes, sending us all into a small eruption of giggles.

The bus stops and everyone runs off, pushing and shoving their way out of the claustrophobic, cluttered bus. I sigh, falling into line behind Courtney.

We step off the bus, heading into the school. Class starts in ten minutes, but I don't make it there at all.

At first, Marcos and Daniel push me from behind slightly so no one suspects anything. But, inside the supply closet that Courtney and I were bullied in long ago, the insults fly fast. Insults fly at my face, slapping me harder than any hand ever will.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask.

"Why are you such a fucking idiot?" Daniel retorts. I cross my arms over my chest.

"I don't see how having an IQ of 187 makes me an idiot," I reply. Marcos snickers.

"I told you this kid is a fucking freak," He utters loud enough for me to hear. I pretend like the words don't phase me, swallowing them back down.

The words pulsate hard across my brain when the rough contact of Daniel's fist greets my cheek, slamming me back into the wall. I groan, placing my hand on the ground to steady my balance.

"What did I even do to you?" I whimper loudly, staring into the dark, dead eyes that Marcos sports.

"You lived," Daniel replies. My heart shatters like a thin sheet of glass, exposing my heart to take more beatings that I'll never recover from.

"We gotta go, Daniel. We can't get in even more trouble," Marcos whispers in Daniel's ear. They got in major trouble after they beat me up before Christmas break, but it's not like the punishment took away the pain they threw onto me.

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