Chapter 18

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Don't get too close,
It's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide,
It's where my demons hide.
Imagine Dragons, "Demons"

Courtney's POV

"Are you excited for Christmas, Courtney?" My mom asks me, snapping me out of my fantasy and back to reality.

"Huh? Yeah, sure," I lazily reply, my eyes darting to the clock in the corner.

"Is something wrong, Courtney? You seem out of it," She asks. I turn to her, making eye contact with her.

"Everything's fine," I lie. It's become a normal part of my life, lying about how I am.

"You sure?" I roll my eyes, nodding.


"What's Spencer doing for Christmas?" She asks. I shrug. I've only been off of school for a day, but I'm already bored to death at home.

"Probably nothing, he can't go see his mom," I reply.

"Have you talked to him since yesterday?" She asks. We talked about what happened to him yesterday, and I still feel sick to my stomach about it.

I talk to him all the time, Mom. He's my best friend, he's saving my life. "Yeah," I use.

"We could invite him to come here," She suggests.

"Yeah? I'd like that, and I'm sure he would too," I reply.

"Yeah. And you got him some gifts too, might as well make him feel loved and together. Even if we're not his family," She says. I nod.

"Okay. I'll go ask him now?" She nods and I push my chair back, bouncing up the stairs and into my room. I grab my phone off the table, jumping onto my bed.


Spencer: COURTNEY!

Me: My mom just asked me if I wanted to invite you over to Christmas, and obviously I do. Do you want to come?

Spencer: That's nice, but I can't ruin your Christmas with your mom.

Me: Seriously, Spence? You're not 'ruining' my Christmas. We want you here.

Spencer: Really?

Me: Really.

Spencer: Can we meet up to talk about it?

Me: Do you want to hang out somewhere?

Spencer: Sure. How about the mall?

Me: Yeah, okay. I'll ask my mom.

I put my phone back in my pocket, bouncing back down the stairs. "Spencer said he wanted to talk about it in person. Is it okay if I meet him at the mall?" I ask. She looks up from her newspaper to meet my gaze.

"Sure, do whatever you want. Do you need some money?" She asks. I shrug, and she reaches into her wallet, pulling out two twenties.

"Here you go. Have fun and be safe, okay?" I nod, taking my phone out of my pocket.

Me: My mom said yes. When do you think you can go?

Spencer: Any time is fine. Meet you there in twenty?

addicted {spencer reid}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang