Chapter 6

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Funny you're the broken one
When I'm the only one who needed saving.
Cause when you never see the light
It's hard to know which one of us is caving.
Rihanna, 'Stay'

Courtney's POV

"Give me that," Morgan says, grabbing my phone from my hands. I start to protest, but he puts a hand on my lip.

"Just putting my number in your phone," he reassures me. I take a breath of relief and watch as he types away on my phone.

"Ooh, let me put my number into your phone!" Prentiss says. She takes my phone next, typing her digits into my contacts.

"Me too," Hotch says. He does it next, and my phone gets passed around the table.

"Can I put my number in your phone?" Reid asks. I furrow my brow.

"You have a phone?" I ask. Everyone else looks bewildered and confused.

"Yeah, I don't use it much cause I have no one to talk to, but can I?" He asks.

"Of course!" I pass him my phone and he types his number into it. He hands it back to me and I smile.

I flip through my now exiting contacts. There's 'Prentiss❤️', 'JJ', 'Hotch', 'Baby Boy', 'Penny💓', and 'Spence'. I smile.

"Baby Boy? Really, Derek?" Morgan winks at me, flashing me a pearly smile. I shake my head jokingly.

"Did you get your geography homework done, Courtney?" Prentiss asks. We're in the same geography class.

"Yeah, that and my science. You're in my science class, right?" I ask her. She nods.

"Yeah, Garcia and I are too!" Morgan says. I smile.

"JJ and I are too. Wait, Reid, are you in our science class?" Aaron asks. He nods.

"That's awesome! We're all in Mr. Rossi's class!" Garcia exclaims. Good, at least I've got some friends in that class.

"Cool! Mr. Rossi is a really good teacher," I add.

"He is. He really can teach," Spencer adds. I nod.

The bell sounds after what feels like only a few minutes. I guess time flies when you're with friends. I grab my tray, putting it back on the top of the garbage. I walk to my next class, which is math. My favourite.

I walk inside the classroom, taking a seat at the back of the room. I'm fairly tall, and my eyesight is good. I can see the board perfectly fine.

Aaron sits down beside me, he's in my math class. I turn to him and fake a smile, plastering it there on my face.

"Hey," he whispers. He doesn't smile, I don't know if this young man ever cracks a smile.

"Hi. Ready for math?" I ask. He shrugs.

"Eh. Not my best subject," he replies.

"You can ask me if you need help, cause it's mine," I wink. He gives me a nod of confirmation before turning to the front of the room. Our teacher starts speaking.

"We're going to do some textbook work today. Take our your textbooks and flip to page 125!" I zip open my backpack, grabbing my math book from my bag. I place it on my desk, flipping to page 125 immediately.

I finish my work in twenty minutes. There's still ten minutes left of class.

"You good, Hotch?" I ask.

addicted {spencer reid}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ