Chapter 4-Being A Pierce

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Hey, chapter 4(: Comment&vote(: nuff said! JanelleXOX

*2 weeks later*

I sat in the tree in the front yard of the Salvatore's house. I watched the sun come over the hill and hide behind the trees. I heard a horse carriage coming from down the road. I looked down the road to see a military carriage coming towards the house.

 My heart fluttered with joy. I jumped out of the tree and walked to the edge of the road that led up to the house. The carriage slowed down and came up the road to where I was standing the door opened and Damon stepped out.

He smiled when he saw me and turned around to say good bye to the driver the driver waved and whipped the horses to go and they took off down the road. I ran towards Damon and tackled him in a hug. He dropped his bag and hugged me back.

My emotions took the best of me and I began crying.

"Is, why are you crying?" He whispered.

"I've missed you so much!" I whispered in between sobs.

"I've missed you so much more." He whispered.

"I had to come back I couldn't stand not seeing you every day."

I sat there in his arms crying for about 10 minutes before he brushed the tears from under my eyes away. I slowly turned most of my emotions off so I wouldn't have to deal with them. He pulled my face towards his and began kissing me. I kissed him back and let the love emotions take over. After kissing for a while he pulled apart and picked me up, we walked into the house. I shut the door quietly so no one would wake up. We walked up stairs to his room and he plopped his bag down on his chair. He pulled me to his bed and laid me down, he climbed on the bed and began kissing me.

 We spent the whole morning like that till people began waking up.

*3 days later*

I walked through the woods looking. I stole a pair of pants and a shirt from Damon's room so I didn't have to come out here in a dress. I smelt the air trying to pick up the sent. I heard a rush of air and then another. Something collided with my body and we fell to the ground.

"Ouch! Watch it will yah?" I yelled.

"Thought I'd give yeah a good scare!" He laughed.

"It's kind of hard to scare me when I can hear you." I laughed. "So how you doing Steven?"

"I'm ok. But you know that's not why I'm here. You wanted my help to find out what Katherine's up to and you’re going out and kissing the Salvatore brothers." He said angrily.

"I'm not kissing the Salvatore brothers, well just Damon. But I am working on finding out about Katherine." I said.

"You need to get some answers soon or I'm out of the deal." He said.

"I know I'm trying, give me at least another month and I'll get you what you need."

"Okay fine you have till the end of next month that's it. Well I suppose I should go I'll be back in a week to check up on business. Get to work." He said before he disappeared.

I hit the closest tree as hard as I could and it snapped in half and fell to the ground with a thud. I hit another one and it cracked down the middle and fell to both sides. I let out a sigh and headed back towards the house.

I walked around the back of the house and looked around. To the left of me I saw Damon sitting with a girl laughing.

He's sitting with Katherine....

I watched closely focusing on them.

"Kiss me." She whispered to him.

He leaned in and kissed her. My heart broke in half and I could feel the burning in my neck. My emotions consumed me and anger and rage was all I felt.

 One of the maids walked out the door and began watering the plants. I ran over to her and grabbed her and ran towards the woods.

"Don't scream and don't fight me." I said compelling her.

I went straight for her neck killing her instantly draining her body of blood.

I fell to the ground and screamed. I turned off all my emotions and sat there. I got up and grabbed her body I took her body and threw it in the lake not caring about covering it.

 I walked back go the house and got to work determined to get some answers.

*1week later*

"Isabella, it is Isabella right?"

Katherine asked from behind me.

"Yes, Mrs. Pierce." I asked using my best British accent.

"Do you mind tightening my corset strings?" She asked.

"Not at all Mrs. Pierce." I said walking into her room.

I sat the towels down on the table sitting by the chair and walked over to her making sure she couldn't tell it was me.

"Have I ever met you before?" She asked.

"I don't believe so."

I began pulling her corset strings pretty tightly but not to hard so she wouldn't suspect anything. I looked over to her bed to see a red blood stain on her pillows and a trail of blood leading to the bathroom.

"Did you cut yourself?" I asked.

"Huh?" She asked.

"The blood on your pillow case." I said nudging my head towards it.

"Oh, um yes."

"Where's the cut? Do you want me to take a look at it?" I asked.

"Ohh um no, it's not my blood, its Damon's. I know you guys had a thing but I believe he has fallen in love with me. So get over him." She said trying to compel me.

"I'll get over him." I said acting like she compelled me.

I finished tightening her strings and tied them up.

"All finished." I said stepping back.

"Thank you, Isabella." She said flashing me a smile.

"You're welcome, do you need anything else?" I asked.

"No that's all, you can go now."

I walked out of the room and picked up the towels.

*Later that night*

I walked down the hall towards Katherine's room. I sat down at her door and listened, she was fast asleep. I put my hand on the door and focused. Trying to get into her head.



"Hello, Katrina."

"Why did you do this."

"Well I had to get you back somehow, I just didn't relies you had turned."

"Why, you didn't have to kill them."

"Klaus would have killed them, slowly and painfully. I just did the deed early."


I was pushed out of her head, I came back to reality. I ran down the stairs and into the maids rooms and collapsed onto my bed. How am I a part of this.

kindah short sorry well u got 2 chapters in 1 night! arnt u lucky? lol :P

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