"You are trying to sweet talk me? Dozen girls have tried and this little sweet seduction would have worked if you were moderately average looking but alas, you are not." His tone was filled agitation and anger.

I tried to stop the tears forming in my eyes in utter humiliation. I wanted to yell and tell him that he was nothing and just a menace but I was too exhausted with all the drama. I just picked up my stuff and throwing away the bar I half ate I walked out of the cafeteria with as much dignity as I could.


"He is an ass." A girl came down and sat next to me.

She was a rebel kind of girl. She had various piercings and three visible tattoos. Her eyes were kohl rimmed and she was dressed in black from head to toe.

"Is he like that to everyone?" I asked with a small smile.

"Mostly. He would have ignored you if you didn't smash into him other day." She answered nonchalantly.

"What are you doing?" I asked the rebel girl once I noticed she was carrying a lot of art stuff.

"Preparing for school Masquerade ball."

"You have a Masquerade Ball?" I was stunned. I knew this school was for rich people but a dance for no reason was ...extravagant.

"Yup every year. It is organised my Comhan family, a school tradition."

"You don't sound too excited about it." I noticed her tired indifferent tone.

"I am not. We decoration team have lot of work to do and usually we don't end up going after the tiredness and girl like me doesn't even get dates, so."

"I can help." I offered like I always do but this time because I wanted to.

She looked surprised but then her face was blank.

"Tessa." She held out her hand and she I shook it.



Another day and I can't get the stain off. And I didn't want to see his face again without it. I looked up online to search for second hand similar t shirts but even second hand it was not possible for my mother who was already paying my expensive tuition.

So I just went leaving everything to fate.

This time I was not that lucky and it turned out Alexander was in my chemistry. First I hate the subject and now he was in the class. Thankfully he and Maze were sitting together, so I don't have to sit with him.

I looked around for empty seat but there was none. Wasn't the teacher informed about a new student?

A balding man walked in almost hopping on his foot.

"Take a seat please." He frowned at me.

And then realised there was no seat.

I notice Maze mutter something in Alexander's ear and he smiled evilly.

"Sir I am not feeling well, I will be going to nurses office. She can sit here." He said and I felt like I just died.

"No." It just blurted out loudly from my mouth.

"What?" Teacher asked and I shook my head as if nothing happened.

I dragged myself to the seat next to him and sat down heavily.

The chemistry teacher started teaching and I as usual tried to live through it. My body was stiff with tension and I was waiting him to do something evil.

"So you think ignoring me will work?" He whispered bending close to me as teacher busied himself writing on the board.

"Trying doesn't hurt." I mutter.

"Don't show me attitude." He said and I ignored him.

"So, Miss ." Teacher looked at me.

"Freya." I offered my name.

"Miss Freya, equalize this equation." He said and I felt lost.

Equalize I can do but in front of whole class was a different story.

I felt nauseous all of a sudden.

"But sir, she is was not even listening to you. She was trying to flirt with me." Alexander said it casually.

Guys snickered in the class and I blushed beet root red. I turned to glare at him but he just give me his evil smirk.

"I am not surprised Freya, you are just like every other girl." He said and gestured for me to sit.

I was angry, I am seldom angry. I felt embarrassed yet again. This boy was torturing me , pushing me to edge.

"I told you get my shirt or I will continue with this." He challenged me.

I didn't answer him back.

Suddenly his pen slipped from his hand and fell rolling next to me. It was out of his reach and I wanted to kick it far away from him.

But I did what my mind told me. I just bend down and picked it up and gave it to him without a word. From my peripheral vision I knew that he was surprised by my action.

"What is wrong with you?" He whispered to me.

This time I turned to look at him squarely, blinking back any tears I had and said, "You."


Like Old times people...First up is Freya's PoV. 

Now help me out, should I just continue the story in her PoV and have Alexander's PoV after five -seven chapters? Or like earlier books...one freya and one Alexander chapter?

I hope you like this one.

See, Alexander is being a total ass. But he is 'bad boy' after all.

Things will get messier people so don't hold your breathe.

VOTE if you liked it! :)

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