chapter 4

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I reached home. Mom was in the garden.

"Hey sweetie. Where were you I was worried about you dear"

Hey.! mom. I forgot to inform you that, I went to the church with Lisa that's why am late mom nothing else.

"Dear where is your locket you have been wearing it today for the first time and you lost it".

No mom when we were in the church I felt pain near my chest. so, I just took the locket and handed it to Lisa. I forgot to take it back, I will tell her to get it tomorrow.

"Pain near your chest. Are you fine dear".

Yes mom. I am fine.

"Dear tomorrow is sunday. And we are going for Christmas shopping, don't you remember that"

Ya mom. Tomorrow Lisa is also coming with us, for shopping. As you know her mom and dad went out of town, with some work. So, she is coming with us.

"OK dear. Fresh up and take some rest, you  look tired".

"Ok mom".

I went to my room, and changed myself into a pair of short's and into a lose white T-shirt, when I was wearing my T-shirt I realised that something itching, and painful near my chest.

It was my flesh which was red in color. I though, when I got hurt and I haven't know till now, then I remember may be, this was because of the pain near my chest.

I changed and fell on my bed. Then, I remembered the words of Mr. Joseph. I though that this wound may be caused because of that locket.

I thought it for a while. But, later on I thought how silly, Am I how could a locket would be responsible for all these things, am such a dumbo, I laughed on my self, and went to do my school work.

As It was 9:00pm, and I was really hungry. So I went down. I  saw dad and said. " Hi Dad" and started eating.

"How are you feeling now sweetie dear"

"Am fine dad"

"I don't think you are fine dear, eat well and take rest".

Ok dad. I will take care of myself.

"Ok then have a nice sleep today then you I'll be fine till tomorrow you and mom were going for shopping right".

"Yea dad Lisa is also coming with us"

OK then go ahead it I'll be damn cool for both of you".


I completed my dinner and said good night to mom and dad, and left to my room, I got my phone and called Lisa and told her about tomorrow's plan, and told her to bring the locket, and  asked  Lisa would you like to come to my home to sleep as you were alone at home".

"Hey angelica you know that am not afraid of ghosts and all, and am so strong that I can stay alone at home".

Ya I know that, I just want to be sure that you're comfortable at home being alone or not.

"Am not a kid angelica, if  I need anyone u know that Gery is my neighbour so I'll call him you don't worry dear, and go to sleep yesterday night you just got fainted".

How do u know..? That I got fainted, I haven't told you about this.

"Today morning Your mom made a call to me, and told me before leaving to school".

That's why you  were taking care of me.

"Yes, ok go have a sleep good night bye".

Ok good night Lisa bye.

The Mysterious Locket √(#wattys2016) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now