chapter 2

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I knew that it was a nightmare. It all started a few months ago on the night of my 18th birthday, every night I closed my eyes I could see the nightmare I can't do anything but having the same dream every night.

As there is only a week for Christmas and,their are a lot of preparations to do, because of these nightmares I haven't started any of the preparations yet,then again I heard Angelica. Angelica It was my mom "Rose crues".

I glanced up at my clock and it was 7:00 am. I was getting late for school that's why she has been calling out for me, I got up from my bed and went to my bathroom,I quickly brushed my teeth and went for a shower. After that I quickly got dressed up and stood in front of the mirror, I was dressed in my usual uniform with a white shirt and a black skirt.

As I was combing my long wavy black hair into a pony, my mesmerizing hazel eyes and my rosy lips which made Jack to fall in love with me, "Jack" is one of my classmate, and became my boyfriend since a year.

Jack is so sweet , tall and handsome which made me fall for him. His blue eyes and his muscular body which made him look bold and strong. As I was dreaming about Jack, there was a knock on my door it was my dad "David crues" , sweetie you are getting late for school.

I got my school bag and packed some sandwiches for lunch and had a Burger and a glass of orange juice as breakfast, as I left from the house It's such a sweet morning I thought, when I saw Jack  waiting for me outside my house in his car. I got into his car, and we drove to school. We were making out a plan for Christmas on the way to school, when we reached we entered into the school and caught by our friends "Lisa" and "Gery".

Lisa is my childhood best friend and Gery is Jack's best friend. Lisa and Gery both had feelings for each other, but they haven't expressed yet.

So Jack and I had a plan for  Christmas eve to make them together, to express their feeling for each other. As this was our Christmas plan but, I had a weird feeling in my gut that something is not good.

After the class we all ate in our school canteen, after that we had a talk for sometime and left for our homes as usual, when I was walking alone for home I felt like someone is following me,
when I turned back no one was there and as quickly as possible I reached home.

I just got into my room and got changed into a lose T-shirt and a track, and ate some snacks. I finished all my school work. After that I had a talk with my mom for Christmas shopping,  I helped her in making out some food for dinner after sometime we had our dinner, and I went to my room to sleep.

25th april

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