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"hi girls!" i squealed as I walked into the bar. Deeah, James, Lauren, and Alex were all here. We met up just because we haven't seen each other in so long.
"hi girl." they all said cheesing.
"so how's it been. but before i ask, lemme order a drink." i said. we finally caught up to the waiter.

"hi can I have an order of buffalo wings but wait guys do you want to share?" i asked .
"yeah sure."
"okay uhm 20 wings and can i have a passion fruit mojito." i said.
"of course ma'am and anything else for you ladies?" the brown skin man asked smirking. i checked my phone to see a text from Sadeek. it's been about a month since the incident and we're friends i guess you could say and he stays in his old apartment again.

I haven't told anyone about the Sadeek thing because no one had been around that much for me to speak on it. I've been feeling better and as much as I love Sadeek and our anniversary is in 2 days I just have to let this play out and see how we end up.

Me: hey Deek, how's the baby?
Deek: she's fine Tanya chill out..have fun.

I sighed and waited until everyone finished.
"so whats been going on guyss??" Lex asked.
"nothing girl. Allan has been doing better as far as I know he hasn't been out doing anything but he just won't leave the offer of engagement and marriage but as Tanya said I just don't deserve that and I should wait and play it out." James said looking at me. I winked at him and he smirked.
"exactly you don't deserve that baby girl." Lauren said.
"right especially from someone who claims to love you baby. yeah i agree with T." Deeah said.

"right and as much as we love you we will not stand  to sit and watch you get hurt." i said.
"well i know that now. and i love you all for being there."
"now how is it going with the baby dad Laur?" i asked.
"girl he finally chilled when I threatened to take him to jail because he knew he would get in trouble for child support but i ain't gone lie we been having a little sex."
"ahh hell naw!" the rest of us yelled.
"look guys i needed it and he still low key my baby and if we can we'll try to make it better but if not oh well. we're supposed to go out tomorrow for lunch and talk but I don't know. "
"talk about yall or what?" Deeah said.
"yeah, like I miss us and hopefully he does too. that was my first every thing for real. so hopefully we get back to where we were."
"i know what you mean." we all mumbled.
"the hell Tanya? who you wanna get back with I hope no Darren!" James said.

"who is that?" Laur and Lex asked.
"her ex who cheated and beated." he said looking at me sideways.
"hell no. you better not leave my brother for him." Deeah said.
"no its not even like that! i left your brother because of your brother." i said spilling it.
"WHAT!" they all yelled. the waiter came back and gave us our stuff fast so we could finish our convo.
"its just too much a couple weeks and some change Deek and I had a disagreement and he went to Mani's, who is his ex mind you, her house and talked shit about me. but not only that! she was all over him kissing him and undid his pants and stuff damn near about to fuck her but then at that the bitch called my house." i said huffing. i just got upset AGAIN.

"oh hell no Ima whoop Sadeek's a-."
"no Deeah its find I got over it. maybe it wasn't meant to be or maybe it was just god showing that we need each other too much to be fucking up. this has been more than once with the drugs, the strippers and stuff i just cant. until he is willing to be a good father and good boyfriend until we change that title than he is going to have to stay single. i cant keep doing this." i said rolling my eyes.
"i understand boo." Lauren said.
"yeah i wanna whoop his ass but thats y'all business and if y'all don't get back together than i have to respect that." Deeah said eating a wing.
"Sadeek oh lord. he just messed up with me." James said.
" so happy im single jesus!" Alex said putting her hands up.
"girl stop!" i said laughing.
"but i love him and when he man up and get himself together im here."
"thats good boo." James said.
"yeah thats your forever. its just y'all need to get back to where you were." Laur said.
"thats ya favorite line... like girl." Deeah said rolling her eyes.

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