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"Deek!" I yelled as he drove to the hospital. this hurts severely and i know my baby is scared but he needs to man up right now.

Everyone is on their way I just want my 2 best friends, Deek, Ms.Sahirah and grandma in there.
"okay baby girl we almost there im sorry." he said calming me down. If Suehaillah gives me a hard time I am going to be ecstatic. These contractions aint no joke!

My baby really coming today, I am so excited but I am literally scared to death that Sadeek and I wont be the best parents. I was knocked out of my thoughts when I felt Deek pick me up.

"its gone be okay baby just relax ard? im by your side." he said kissing my cheek as I wrapped my arms around his neck while holding my stomach.

I saw the rest of the family rushing out but I didn't see Deeah, James or my grandma!"
"where are Deeah, James and Grandma!?" i asked.
"they went to pack clothes for you and the baby." we didn't even have a baby shower for real for real. we didn't have anything for suehaillah so once we got out the hospital we would have to take the girls and my brothers to pick stuff up and help with my baby's room.

we went inside.
"yo! she in labor!" Deek yelled! I saw nurses running to get be a rolling bed and Deek laid me down. he kissed me softly and looked into my eyes.
"sir we dont have time for that." a white old lady said.
"bitch i can kiss my wife!" he yelled getting his mom's attention.

"SADEEK!" we both yelled. they ran me inside of a room and took my clothes off and replaced it with a gown

deek's pov

While Tanya laid in the bed stressing waiting for the doctor to come in I held her hand making sure my baby was on chill.

"chill T you gone be good baby." I said kissing her lips.
"okay babe." she said breathing softly. she has been waiting for Sadeeah, Jamie and grandma, she is stressing.

I continued to rub her stomach and give her some ice to chill her.

someone knocked on the door and the head of a white older male doctor peeked his head in.
"hello. Hello sir. how are you mother to be?" he asked Tanya.

"fucking in pain." she cried. i stroked her hair and kissed her tears away.

"im sorry mom. lets see how dilated you are. are you having a natural birth?" he asked.
"yes." she stated.
"you sure T?" i asked. she nodded.

"why is she here so soon? is she a premie?" she asked worried.
"no not at all. she grew fairly fast! with the ultrasound we saw that she is the size of an 8 month baby. now let me check." he said putting a glove on.

he checked real quick and looked up with concerning eyes.
"Ms. Malik you have been dilated a while now you are ready to push now!" he stated making me look at Tanya.

"when i asked ya ass a couple hours ago were you okay you decided to lie!" i said sternly through clenched teeth.
"im sorry i was nervous babe." she said making me loosen up
"baby girl you know im all for you and our baby girl why would you keep this away from me?" i asked.
"im sorry. but im not pushing until my grandma and sisters get here." she said refusing.
"if they are not here in 10 minutes then--"
"IM NOT PUSHING!" she yelled turning over.

he chuckled and went out the room to gather the nurses. Tanya stayed turned around and I could hear her groaning and whining.

"aw my baby, you okay?" i asked kissing her cheek.
"stop kissing me Sadeek." she said irritated i sat down and left her alone but kept rubbing her hand.

after 2 minutes the ladies finally arrived.
"FINALLY! i need to push im dying!" tanya aid crying.
"aw sissy pooh!" deeah said rubbing the wet hair on her forehead.
"hi sisters, grandma and mommy in law!" she said.
i knew she needed them more than ever they all held my baby girl together and kept her on her feet and made sure she was good while i wasn't around.

"babe!" tanya yelled as she snapped me out my thoughts.
"yes baby girl."
"the doctor and nurses are ready you have to put your equipment on." she said. i realized everyone else did except for me. once i finished, they propped her legs up.

"ready 1,2,3 and push!" the doctor yelled. if this isn't the nasties thing i have ever seen in my life i dont know what it is.

it was disgusting but i saw my baby's head right there and i got even more excited.
"PUT THAT CAMERA AWAY GRANDMA!" tanya yelled as she stopped pushing.

"come on baby we see a head!" i yelled. she kept pushing and the head came out.

"OH SHIT!" i yelled smiling hard as hell.
"Babe i cant push anymore im dying!!!" Tanya said dramatically.

i went and grabbed her hand and kissed her lips and forehead.
"come on baby you just need the body to come out her head out. i said as she kept pushing.

"ONE MORE PUSH!!!" the nurse yelled.
"1,2,3!!" and with that last push i heard the beautiful cries of my baby. i walked over there and that girl was a full grown baby. my baby girl was so beautiful.

"you wanna hold her?" the nurse asked after they clean and wrapped her.
I nodded and took her.

"what are we naming her?" they asked me.
"Suehaillah-Amor Zaynab Mitchell." i said smiling. i looked over at Tanya who looked tired as hell.

"you okay baby?" i asked kissing her head. she nodded.
"wanna hold her?" i asked. she held her weak arms out and as soon as she looked at her she cried.

"she looks like you Deeky." she said crying. i smiled and wiped her tears away.
"i love yall man."

Suehaillah-Amor Zaynab Mitchell born May 18th, 2016. 7 lbs 12 oz. 💜

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